Music Production

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This is Music Production. A place to share anything and everything you want about your music making journey! Learning is the goal, so discussion is encouraged!

RIP Waveform.

Rules are as follows:

  1. Don't share other people's music without commentary, analysis or questions. This is not a music discovery community.
  2. No elitism or bigotry towards other people's music tastes. Be polite in disagreement.

I will update rules as necessary, but I promise we'll stay light on them and only add new ones after discussion!

Here are some useful examples of what a great post would be about:

(in no particular order)

  1. Stuff you made/are making. Get valuable feedback and criticism!
  2. Learning resources - videos, articles, posts on any topic concerning a production process, be it composition, sound design, sampling, mixing, mastering, DAW workflow or any other.
  3. Free plugins, presets and samplepacks. Giveaways and self-made stuff included!
  4. News about production software, releases and personalities.
  5. Questions and general advice about music production.
  6. Essays on your favorite productions. Inspirations and insights!
  7. Your physical analog gear! Let us know how it performs!

Good to know: As a general word of caution, avoid posting complete compositions, mixes and tracks on the internet before backing them up on a remote and reputable server. Even small snippets or watermarked tracks should be posted AFTER backing it up to cloud. Timestamps from cloud services will help you in case of theft. And, as a public resource, lemmy is not a safe place to post your unpublished work, so please make sure your work is protected.

founded 2 years ago

The picture shows how it looks like when I´m planning the structure of a new piece of music. This time it´s Ambient Techno. In the book I explain each step, lay out the “whys and hows”, show alternatives and – first of all - “detect” the characteristics of the musical style, which the pieces are going to be examples of. If everything develops according to my plans, I´ll be able to publish this e-book on the 30th April. I´ll keep you informed, here as well as on my website Cheers and peace! Rolf


Is there a way to turn most music into something more "triplety" for example by setting a delay of 0.33 seconds or something like that?

Love me some 6/8 time (or triple time maybe, I like 3 a lot) haha. I suppose I might looking to confirm or adjust my working theory that delay of 0.33 seconds to the point there's kind of a 2x echo after the initial beat would roughly equate to this but its a very rough draft

The only actual recorded example I can think of that illustrates the end result I'm interested and also aware of altho I think its more implied than actually necessarily in the music is Debussy's arrangement of Gymnopedie N. 1 by Erik Satie. I feel like the orchestra is basically generating this effect at least evocatively if not in fact. I

Might not be articulating this fantastically, not sure if I even know what I'm asking for or if it makes any sense 😅 If not, just making conversation i guess

3 In 12 articles I write about funny, strange or extraordinary experiences on my ways to discovering new “fresh” sounds to sample. Cheers and peace! Rolf #music #musicproduction #sound #sounddesign #musicstudio


Not looking for a specific special plugin, just trying to reason thru if its possible or how best to create a similar effect to someone holding the piano sustain pedal throughout

Closest I can think of is increasing the reverb decay times for both low and high notes but I'm just going off the parameters I can see that are adjustable, maybe add a low-pass filter for added blurriness/hazy-ness


A series of comprehensive in-depth articles about wheter, why and how to make generative music: Cheers and peace! Rolf #music #generativeMusic #musicproduction #musicstudio #modularsynths


My first song on routenote was submitted 3 weeks ago so it should be approved any day now (internet says first release takes a month). I've given two ppl here some very noncomplete starts of tracks to potentially collab on and haven't heard anything back yet (doesnt matter). So we are still in the phase where no one else knows what my complete songs sound like. So I seek a song. Someone do to me what I've been doing to others.

  • Send me something you made or are working on, with constant tempo, that you agree with me doing a bunch of stuff to

  • I will edit it then send back

  • we may keep editing

  • we either make a new artist for it or it can be released on yours or mine

  • income split 50 50 unless there is some reason we both agree that the ratio should differ (i dont care about the money but i think that's the fair way).

I'm using routenote, which takes a long time to review and distribute but otherwise seems exceptionally solid and free so, after waiting, tracks will be out forever without having to pay yearly and, if a track starts making money, one time 10$ payment makes it 100% to artists instead of the starting like 85%. Open to most distributors tho.

Anyway, I think it's the fun time since u have no idea if im a total noob or teh world's greatest. And idc how noob or great u are nor how complete the track is initially. So send me something that doesn't use copywritten samples and has constant tempo if u dare! :)


A series of serious thoughts on a popular but rarely though through matter: Cheers and peace! Rolf


A series of serious thoughts on a popular but rarely though through matter: Cheers and peace! Rolf


My understanding is it sort of relates to a simulated acoustical physical space the music is intended to seem as if it is reverberating throughout

Is it correlated with the intimacy or closeness of the music, what else does it evoke? What is its relationship with artificiality and nature respectively?

What is its evolutionary purpose in terms of why we can parse and interpret it?


Now you can experience the atmosphere and the workflow of the 1950s Electronic Music Studios:

#music #electronicmusic #musicstudio


My Musical Dialogue With ChatGPT Does it make a point to discuss with AI about Music? A series of articles: Cheers and peace! Rolf #music #AI #AImusic


A comprehensive series of articles on Cheers and peace! Rolf


Why is this so hated? Title may be hyperbolic but there's well presented info there.


In which Dan examines the oft repeated advice to "only dither once" and attempts to show why this should be "only dither to 16 bits once".


spent a hot minute getting the drums to slam and bump like in those old Neptunes beats, although I think it could do with a few more finishing touches haha


cross-posted from:

Just a heads up to anyone who might not have seen it or own it yet, but UA is giving away their 1176 Classic FET Compressor plug-in for free until 02/28!


You can sort of still feel and sense the attatck and the vestibular effect of the keys being played despite their tones being filtered out?


This is a neat demonstration of how low-pass filters affect D/A converters. Might mess around and try to replicate this test.


I'm just going to use fl mobile. been wanting to release something recently and want to try routenote, which is a free distributor. Those are fun cuz we can look back in like 10 years and songs will still be there. Wanna make a song with me? Routenote is apparently good but slow and strict about pirated samples. Neither of those bother me so i thought to try them. I dont care how good or bad u are at musics.

u send me something or i send u something and we pass it back and forth a few times and release it?


Hey everyone, anyone here into VCV Rack or Cardinal ? Or any other similar software like Pure Data for example ?

I’ve really got into it recently, and was wondering if people on Lemmy were interested. Should I post stuff here or start a specific community ?

hamm (
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from:

Sampled my friend's HAM radio while they were driving.


Does a sitar bridge effectively clip the waveform of the string? It certainly adds new harmonics.

I had a friend say it's more like the string being plucked or re-excited, inharmonically in this case.

Might this be like feedback?


I use the most recent LMMS git version for my music + a ton of extensions, feedback would be nice


I like making music on my iPhone with GarageBand. Working within the limits makes for some interesting results. Obviously mastering is a bit difficult, but I got my music to where I enjoy it, and I hope others will too.

I’m on Apple Music with my first release. I’m just waiting for the other streaming platforms to release it as well.

I’d love feedback/criticism! I suppose my “schtick” is that I make mobile music, so bear that in mind.

Eventually I’ll learn how to use software on my Mac to produce, but for now am content with the setup I use.

I hope this is OK to post here.

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