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Welcome, Nerfers! This is a place for Nerf, Modifications, Homemades, Assassins, Office wars, Humans vs. Zombies, BoomCo, Off-brands, Water Blasters . . .

We're intended to be like /r/nerf except not dependent on reddit.

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The main difference is that when you view your front page or search for other communities, you have a choice between "subscribed" (what you've already joined), "local" (a small subset of communities) and "all" (every community that this server knows about). is one of many Lemmy servers and many of the communities that you see here originate on other servers - but this networking is handled behind the scenes. This decentralization makes Lemmy resilient but you can still use it just like reddit.

A longer explanation can be found here.


We have some idiosyncratic rules. Please click to expand and take a minute to read them before posting.

  • Don’t spam (post excessively) or excessively self-promote. That means at most 1 post per day, and less than 1/10ths of your posts and comments each may be self-promotion.

  • No low effort content.

  • Only post thrift finds on Thursday - where "Thursday" starts at 1AM GMT-07 and runs for 24 hours. This corresponds to daylight Thursday for most of our readers.

  • Don’t recommend or show dangerous practices, such as these. There is to be absolutely no deliberate weaponization, even as a joke or against nonhuman targets.

  • Pirated/knockoff versions of hobby-made designs should not be shared; don’t give pirates free advertising.

  • Respect community standards (below) and stay on-topic (further below).

Community standards

We maintain a higher standard of civility here than an average forum. Please be nice, and be forgiving: the other guy might be literally a kid.

We have moderate post quality standards here; nerfchatter is very lax. If you'd like to ask a question, please try googling it first.

It’s “blaster/dart,” not “gun/bullet” - because the latter can lead to things that we'd rather avoid. This is a common mistake, but it is a mistake. Similarly, it's good to be clear that realistic blasters shouldn't be used in public spaces for the benefit of our young readers.

What we aren’t

  • 3d printing questions not specific to nerf should go on 3d printing communities.

  • You can buy/sell/trade/“what’s it worth?” on /r/nerfexchange (though we may make an exchange Lemmy community later).

  • No scripted battle footage. We have to ban this so that we don’t get flooded with it. This is very easy to find on YouTube if you for some reason want to see it.

  • No memes/jokes; there may be rare exceptions for discussions of ongoing events. Again, we have to ban this to not be flooded by it. Memes/jokes are very welcome at Nerfchatter.


Tagging makes your post easier for people to find.

You can tag a post by including a tag (including the square brackets) anywhere in the title. As a rule of thumb, we suggest that tags higher on this list take priority if more than one could apply.


[help] - Asking for advice.

[download] - A 3d printable blaster or accessory that's ready to download and print.

[guide] - Writeups (and occasionally videos) describing how to do something.

[review] - Reviews, usually of blasters but also of mod kits etc.


[event] - An upcoming game looking for players.

[LFG] - Looking For Group.

Showing off

[completed] - A completed project: paintjob, performance mod, integration, etc.

[WIP] - As above except not completed but still something you want to share.

[selfpromotion] - Do you have something to sell? Is this a link to your own YouTube channel? We’d appreciate it if you’re completely upfront about it.

[thrift] - "Hey, look what I just found for cheap in a thrift store!"

[armory] - A picture of your entire collection.

[conceptart] - Concept art for hypothetical blasters, often wit weird and wonderful operating mechanisms.


[availability] - Did an anticipated blaster just get released early? Did Amazon accidentally list the DZ Tomcat for a few dollars again?

[1stparty] - For hobby news such as announcements, press releases, and leaks from major manufacturers.


[theory] - Ideas, usually on the technical side of the hobby, that you'd like to discuss.

[meta] - Information about this community.


DartSweep: A system for finding games and groups with more features in development.

(old) Map of Active Nerf Groups

3D Printed Blaster Library

Hobby Blaster Catalogue

BritNerf: A traditional forum catering to British foam flingers.

Nerfy Discord Servers: There's tons of Nerf servers on Discord. A German forum (and mostly German-language, though English is welcome too).

NerfHaven: A 20+ year archive of information. Not accepting new members.

Interactive Motor Chart

Flywheel Setup Picker

Lipo battery guide, charging, safety tips

founded 2 years ago

Put together the Replicant by Leedle Dynamics.

I was curious to see how the low hardware approach would work. Beyond a short piece of bungee cord, there is zero hardware required. Everything down to the pins holding it together is printed.

Print was easy. But I printed it at half speed because I was afraid of the overhangs on the main body (the purple part in the photo). No supports needed and everything was pre-oriented. Assembly took less than 30 minutes, and would probably would have gone a lot faster if I had taken the time to watch the video beforehand.

The prime is surprisingly smooth once you lube it and break it in. Reloading takes some practice. I wish they had gone for an 8 round cylinder instead of 6, but it's not a deal breaker. It's hitting about 85-90 FPS with a 3/16" cord. I'm sure I could tie it a bit tighter and squeak out a few more FPS if I wanted to fiddle with it. Accuracy isnt super consistent with my new worker darts, but you're probably not printing this to win any contests. It's just a really satisfying prime and trigger pull.

Overall, the Replicant is a really nice change of pace from all of the printable springer primaries floating around out there. The files aren't free, but the cost felt fair and approachable given the lack of hardware. Will definitely be printing other Leedle Dynamics designs in the near future.


I'm thinking of organizing an informal meet-up for Nerf and foam dart blaster enthusiasts in my local community, but I'm not really sure what things people might enjoy.

I'm going to run a survey across a few local channels, but figured I would ask here to see what people in general would want to see at an event like this.

  • Blaster Show & Tell (bring your favorite blaster to share)
  • Chatting about collecting vintage or rare blasters
  • Target shooting/skill challenges
  • Trading/buying/selling blasters, parts and accessories
  • Modding workshop/discussions
  • Casual free-for-all Nerf battles
  • Team-based game modes (Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, etc.)
  • Just hanging out and talking about the hobby

I'm inclined to save the actual battle games for a separate event since those have specific space and safety requirements, but open to it if there's enough interest in playing.

Do any of you go to events like this in your own area? Would you? What's the turnout look like?


3D printable mag in grip hand cannon. Hits around 190 FPS pretty consistently.


Picked one of these up on sale after Christmas. First impressions are VERY good!


Just want to see what everyone has been up to. This is my Nexus Pro X. Upgraded with a 3D printed collet and 300mm barrel. Used teflon tape to improve the seal. Also added a printed bcar.


UNC Charlotte is like 70% stairs.


Hasbro has a long history of coming up with new ammo types, which ultimately faced a wide variety of fates ranging from near-instant obsolescence to becoming an industry standard.

We all remember the Ultra line, right? Hasbro got salty that 3rd parties were selling better and cheaper darts that were compatible with their blasters, meaning that Hasbro could no longer sell darts at a significant markup. So, they decided to make a new, "better" ammo ecosystem to force people to buy Hasbro-branded ammo for their blasters. (At least, that's what the online nerf community thought that Hasbro's motivations were, and IMO this assessment is probably correct.)

Hasbro has made a few more proprietary ammo types since then: Hyper, which is a worse-but-proprietary Rival, and Mega XL, which was goofy fun and which I kinda wish that they still made.

Hasbro has also made proprietary ammo types in the past. Let's not forget that the standard 50 cal dart was based on Hasbro's Elite dart. Vortex got a good run. Rival and Mega did too, and may yet see more blasters released.

It's not clear to me at this point where this new ammo type is headed. It would be very easy to be cynical and label this new ammo type as yet another Ultra-style cash grab that's doomed to eventual obscurity, but I think it's too early to tell. It might be that. It also might be good.

Again, the industry standard 50 cal dart is based on Hasbro's Elite dart - but that in turn was an improvement (in weight distribution) over their Streamline dart, which was a modification of the tagger/whistler/suction pattern that could fit into magazines. Design choices are still with us today that were not originally made with modern blaster technology or performance goals in mind.

This is a clean-sheet redesign. It's coming from Hasbro, so there's grounds for cynicism here, but it has at least the potential to be quite good.


My fave is my xshot longshot, yea I like high power, my second fave is my persuader, got a good deal on it, hammer action is fun


Just received the Nerf Rival Mirage today, I hope this isn't "low effort" because this is the first thing I wanted to know about it.

Shorter prime than I thought, stiffer than I thought (but not bad), and seems to perform well. The mag release is positioned on the grip in a way I can only hit it with my middle finger stretched around which will take some adjustment. I do have medium-small hands though.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: we have links for both at Walmart now. That was fast! Both are currently showing as out of stock, but hopefully that'll change soon.

Commentary from Walcom:

Looks like we have some refreshes of some of the best blasters Dart Zone has made... and it looks like they're listening. Posted by Blaster_Time and floating all over the interwebs this morning, these two have some very important looking changes. Obviously all subject to change, but the Nexus Pro X is short-dart only (thank you Dart Zone!) and looks to include a BCAR on top of a stock and optic (as well as a rail attachment that holds a PCAR?), giving it this little PCC vibe and I love it. The Aeon Pro X looks to include a PCAR, and has a redesigned priming grip and extra rails and just like the Nexus Pro is only chambered for Short Darts. These are definitely some upgrades from the externals, we can only hope they feel solid and perform up to the standards that DZ set themselves.

How exhilarating, get excited.

Also, those look like AR15 grips. If they are that'll mean that these blasters are compatible with the wide variety of aftermarket and printable grips for that platform.

The barrels are low. That's . . . odd. I can't say what that means, but I'm curious to see what these blasters look like inside.

I think Walcom is right: this is exciting news - and DZ is listening, which is in itself also good news.


Who remembers the old integration competitions that /r/nerf used to host?

They were a lot of fun and brought out a lot of innovation, and Mister Nathan is hosting a new competition in the same style - a sort of revival, if you will.

If you're new to integrations (or would like some tips and tricks), then I'd highly recommend Mister Nathan's mod along series. He does integrations very, very well. His methods tends to be a bit more high-effort than the old ways of dremels and bondo, but well worth it.

This competition will run from Feb 1st to April 30th, and the rules are in the description of the linked youtube video. Here's the discord invite link.


I feel like this is probably written about elsewhere, but all I've seen is info on the Challenger. I noticed today the walmart Mirage page had images.


I remember Black Friday a couple years back, my friends and I buying multiple rapidstrikes for $25, ecstatically.

Now I can’t be motivated to buy it for $5.


If this looks familiar to you, that might be becasue you saw this on reddit four years ago. A lot has changed in those four years, and now this belongs here.

This is a collection of mostly GearUp and Sonic blasters (uncommon, but far from super rare) and misc. other green and orange blasters obtained through several years of trawling through thrift stores and kijiji (local craigslist equivalent). The key, in my experience, is to be both persistent (becasue the more you look, the more you find) and selective (for the same reason).


Glad to see a Dart Zone take on the Jolt. It shoots great, takes up no space at all, and is lots of fun. I'll admit that I'm bit concerned with the long term durability of the folding barrel mechanism, but out of the box my impression is that the blaster is great.


I need a full length dart with reasonable accuracy and will not jam in a mag. My xshot ones can't work in magazines.


This is a documentary from 2016, but it's only relatively recently been uploaded to youtube.

This is both a more important and a less pleasant documentary than the headline description implies. It's the story of a man haunted by PTSD and digital escapism after a deadly plane crash, who turns to building a nerf arena - which then turns into a community and leads to them joining collegiate Humans vs. Zombies.

It's personal and it's raw, but ultimately it's about how much a hobby that involves in-person interaction, and physical activity, and tinkering, and intense gameplay all in one package can improve people's lives.


Practicality aside, it's very impressive that this is possible.

Here's part 1.

Here's GatlingTommy's blaster which, while also firing over 100 darts per second, does so with multiple barrels.


I was excited getting the Longshot Pro in Germany finally. At home I put her on the shooting range and was like wtf… it’s worse then Nerf. I checked the PT but it looks fine. I’ve then seen the label on the box: only up to 66ft / 20m

Don’t buy at smythstoys or you have to mod it


Has anyone with a Stryfe X mentioned anything about storage charge for the battery? It seems like all it can do is plug in and charge to full from what I've seen.

In theory, could I use a USB-C to XT60 connector and charge that battery on my balance charger, or would the battery's internal board mess with that process somehow?


So, apparently, Nerf wants to compete against the DartZone Pro and X-Shot Pro series.


Great game, got the hook up to complete this Blue Unity Power System


Internals and measurements

Reliability testing

For stock chrono numbers and another person's opinion on the blaster, here's Coop's review.

To summarize: The Sportsman is surprisingly reliable given that it is a hopper-fed dart blaster with a breach with a failure rate under normal conditions of only 3%, which is something that we had previously assumed would be impossible. However, "surprisingly reliable" is not the same thing as "very reliable." I'd recommend the Sportsman for superstock games and/or as part of an integration but it would not be good to count on to stun a charging zombie in HvZ.

This was originally posted to Reddit (and is being reposted here because Spez is a very naughty boy); some good points were raised in the comments. I’ll copy/pate them here.


3% failure rate sounds perfectly acceptable for most situations, and honestly probably good enough for hvz. The thing that appeals to me the most about this blaster (and that is making me heavily consider purchasing one) is how easy others have found it is to convert it to a sealed breach. I remember seeing a couple posts about that, and the performance was superb. 140+ fps on the stock spring. A 140 fps blaster that doesn't use magazines would be great for superstock games.


Keep in mind that reliability goes down dramatically when pumping the grip rapidly. This would be good for plinking distant zeds but defensively it's pretty poor.

While this is subjective, even 3% is too high for me when a single failed shot could end an in-game life that lasts a week and happens once a year. I love playing as a zombie, but dying due to equipment failure is pretty frustrating. I'd much rather die due to a zombie doing something clever.

This leads me to wonder what effect a brass breech would have on reliability. The stock breech has a little bit of chamfering at the lip of the chamber and a brass system could be made to roughly the same shape, so I'd assume that the effect on reliability would be small.

Worth noting: as I pointed out in another comment, the hoppers could be made to be removable. A brass breech would be a natural fit for this sort of mod.


Excellent testing rigor to say the least! It actually did surprisingly well.

A situational that comes to mind with casual HvZ use is that people in the bad old days often didn't know how to manage magfed systems or that leaving a mag loaded for a week (or a year!) is bad.

I once felt a random heebie jeebie that led me to idly take the mag out of a rifle belonging to the leader of a "semi-serious" squad at Florida Poly and unload it while we were all sat around a table working out the infil plan. Well; trust heebie jeebies. There were half a dozen outright FLAT darts in there. Foam smashed to about 1/8" thick. I don't even know how that happens unless you put a worn foam into the mag and THEN leave it for a year - new foam will not take that much of a set from a mag spring. He got 2 clips of new ammo and "The talk" about unloading mags nightly and all the usual stuff, but given how he played the game in general, he was mindblowingly nonchalant about learning that his mag had contained 6 near-certain deaths just below the few shots he fired in the last mission.

Anyway, where I am going with this is that unlike a mag (detachable or fixed) OR a revolver, a bulk hopper of darts would likely not lose reliability due to storage time, and if you chucked it in the closet until next season (uncocked), you might have 20 good, protected, darts in there when you pulled it out.

Brass tubing barrels always cause trouble when it comes to getting good feed ramps that don't present a sharp edge to rounds anywhere. Perhaps using something thicker wall for the chamber (at least) would make more sense? .527 aluminum would be a ogod dart-agnostic one, but since this is presumably not a large springer, maybe it would benefit from a step down to .509 just in front of the chamber.


I managed to find a single Outlaw at a Target in Houston and decided to do a little video on how to easily prime and reload this thing. Both the hammer and cylinder are a bit stiff, but they're buttery smooth when you apply force the right way. Hopefully this helps some people who may not be familiar with a heavy hammer-action.


(reposting in response to further Reddit nonsense)

Some years back, my boss asked me to design and print a whole bunch of spacer panels for a machine we were developing. I got to it, made a part that balanced size with material usage, printed them like he asked, and... we found out we didn't actually need them. I didn't want to toss them because they looked like they'd be useful for something... but what the flippin' hell am I supposed to do with a few dozen spacer thingies?

I found an answer about a week ago. My Jangular-ish belt loadout is fun, but could use some better mounting to the belt (part of it was literally lashed together with macrame cord and chopsticks). I thought maybe a MOLLE panel would help, but I didn't want to buy more war toys and they always come in threatening military colors.

"Is there anything I already have that I could use? It doesn't need to be fancy, just a panel with holes I can tie stuff to... kinda like those old spacers!"

A handful of screws later, and here we are! Still lashing things together with macrame cord, but that's because I'm a weirdo who's opposed to buying anything I feel I don't have to. A little janky, sure, but it's good enough to hold some mags and even has room for the EMT pouch.

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