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Welcome, Nerfers! This is a place for Nerf, Modifications, Homemades, Assassins, Office wars, Humans vs. Zombies, BoomCo, Off-brands, Water Blasters . . .

We're intended to be like /r/nerf except not dependent on reddit.

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A longer explanation can be found here.


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  • Don’t spam (post excessively) or excessively self-promote. That means at most 1 post per day, and less than 1/10ths of your posts and comments each may be self-promotion.

  • No low effort content.

  • Only post thrift finds on Thursday - where "Thursday" starts at 1AM GMT-07 and runs for 24 hours. This corresponds to daylight Thursday for most of our readers.

  • Don’t recommend or show dangerous practices, such as these. There is to be absolutely no deliberate weaponization, even as a joke or against nonhuman targets.

  • Pirated/knockoff versions of hobby-made designs should not be shared; don’t give pirates free advertising.

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Community standards

We maintain a higher standard of civility here than an average forum. Please be nice, and be forgiving: the other guy might be literally a kid.

We have moderate post quality standards here; nerfchatter is very lax. If you'd like to ask a question, please try googling it first.

It’s “blaster/dart,” not “gun/bullet” - because the latter can lead to things that we'd rather avoid. This is a common mistake, but it is a mistake. Similarly, it's good to be clear that realistic blasters shouldn't be used in public spaces for the benefit of our young readers.

What we aren’t

  • 3d printing questions not specific to nerf should go on 3d printing communities.

  • You can buy/sell/trade/“what’s it worth?” on /r/nerfexchange (though we may make an exchange Lemmy community later).

  • No scripted battle footage. We have to ban this so that we don’t get flooded with it. This is very easy to find on YouTube if you for some reason want to see it.

  • No memes/jokes; there may be rare exceptions for discussions of ongoing events. Again, we have to ban this to not be flooded by it. Memes/jokes are very welcome at Nerfchatter.


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You can tag a post by including a tag (including the square brackets) anywhere in the title. As a rule of thumb, we suggest that tags higher on this list take priority if more than one could apply.


[help] - Asking for advice.

[download] - A 3d printable blaster or accessory that's ready to download and print.

[guide] - Writeups (and occasionally videos) describing how to do something.

[review] - Reviews, usually of blasters but also of mod kits etc.


[event] - An upcoming game looking for players.

[LFG] - Looking For Group.

Showing off

[completed] - A completed project: paintjob, performance mod, integration, etc.

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[selfpromotion] - Do you have something to sell? Is this a link to your own YouTube channel? We’d appreciate it if you’re completely upfront about it.

[thrift] - "Hey, look what I just found for cheap in a thrift store!"

[armory] - A picture of your entire collection.

[conceptart] - Concept art for hypothetical blasters, often wit weird and wonderful operating mechanisms.


[availability] - Did an anticipated blaster just get released early? Did Amazon accidentally list the DZ Tomcat for a few dollars again?

[1stparty] - For hobby news such as announcements, press releases, and leaks from major manufacturers.


[theory] - Ideas, usually on the technical side of the hobby, that you'd like to discuss.

[meta] - Information about this community.


DartSweep: A system for finding games and groups with more features in development.

(old) Map of Active Nerf Groups

3D Printed Blaster Library

Hobby Blaster Catalogue

BritNerf: A traditional forum catering to British foam flingers.

Nerfy Discord Servers: There's tons of Nerf servers on Discord. A German forum (and mostly German-language, though English is welcome too).

NerfHaven: A 20+ year archive of information. Not accepting new members.

Interactive Motor Chart

Flywheel Setup Picker

Lipo battery guide, charging, safety tips

founded 2 years ago

In a quest for truly stupid levels of precision, I've purchased this fantastic little angle finder. I want to securely mount it to a picatinny rail without having to create a custom mount. Are there universal mounts that attach to picatinny and just clamp down on anything you put in them?

I mean, I'm sure there are, but for some reason I'm struggling to search for them. Here's a link to the tool for dimensions and whatnot:

Magnetic Digital Angle Finder - Compact LED Digital Angle Gauge & Level Tool - Measures 0-360 Degree Ranges - Essential Woodworking, Electrical, Plumbing & Carpenter Tools


Hey folks, I've heard of a few people swapping in a 1.6 Swift spring into the DZMK4 for a quick boost. If I do that, do I have to do any barrel mods? Or is the spring swap good enough to bump the FPS a bit?


This is the Chaotic Shortbus - three flywheelers with the triggers linked internally such that pulling the trigger fires a dart from each magazine simultaneously. It's seen use in several games of HvZ at the University of Waterloo and in various nerf wars across Toronto, and I think it came out very well.

It was made from a Demolisher and two Stryfes, plus parts from a Recon Mk2 (forebarrel), Rapidstrike (stock), Rayven (rail), Titan (muzzle devices) and Rotofury (internal forebarrel).

This was an unusual experimental build. I had originally planned to use it with magazines with secondary notches in order to allow a fast “reload” by tapping a mag upwards - but in practice, I’ve found that this style of blaster works best when used almost like a conventional single-magwell flywheeler expect that fresh magazines can be inserted more quickly due to not needing to remove the old nearly-empty one first.

This solves a dilemma that magfed blasters face in HvZ. On one hand, you always want at least enough darts in your mag to survive a charge - but on the other hand, reloading early will chew through mags. Being able to split the difference by inserting a new mag while still being able fire the darts in the old one is very nice.

The main lessons that I’m taking from this build are:

  • Weight matters. A heavy blaster will make you more tired over the course of a long game.

  • Being able to fire if surprised while reloading is nice - but having a quick (and non-distracting) reload procedure is even nicer.

  • Having only two magwells would have been almost as good as having three, while saving bulk and weight.


I invoke the deep magicks of nerfhaven. Is there a reason we never used doorknob latches as catch mechanisms? They're already shaped perfectly for a plunger to slide over them, and they come with a built-in trigger mech. Did they just not have strong enough springs, or was there another reason I never saw these in the pre-3D printer days?


Just waiting for a small part from from SFI to put it all together.

Full Album


For the first time in what feels like a long time, the Modulus Longstrike is on sale on Amazon for Prime Day. There are a lot of other blasters on sale as well, but I don't think I've ever seen the Longstrike this cheap.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

With the success of my H2O Eh-Row, I found out it works pretty well on Kiddo 01's little bow. That makes four bow-like blasters, which I just thought was neat!

  • The Eh-Row 01 has more experiments waiting for hardware, but seems to work good!
  • Eh-Row 02 needs more firm mounting, but you could fight with it as is!
  • The old Bow 'n' Arrow needs new arms again, maybe from aluminum bar to keep from snapping.
  • The Flipside might be able to take a spring upgrade, but it already works better than you may think! I want to stickerbomb the blank back side, thought.
  • Nothing for Grandma, but I don't think she'd deign to shoot anyone in the first place. But... what if...?

Remixes this to be smaller. That is all.



Suppose you have a long distance you need to fill between the front of a plunger tube and the back of a barrel. Like, you're making a Kenner 95 Crossbow to the original configuration with the barrel on top. Sure, that's a lot of dead space, but you're gonna try it anyway. would you actually do that, anyway? What kind of tubing? What kind of material? How big?


I’m trying to build a Caliburn 4 with as high FPS, accuracy, and quality possible, that’s still fun to actually use.

I don’t own a 3d printer, but I am mechanically minded, and thus perfectly fine with assembling the gun myself. I’m planning on using half-lengths darts to mainly go plinking with it, but still play in a few nerf wars that allow a Caliburn 4.

Money is no object this time around, and I have a few questions before I bite the bullet (excuse the pun) and buy the parts to build one.

  1. Who should I buy the 3d printed parts from?
  2. What upgrades should I purchase? (ie aluminum ramrod, longer barrel)
  3. Who should I buy my SCAR/BCAR from?
  4. With the previous questions in mind, what spring(s) can I reasonably use? (No two handed priming)

I love Nerf and I hope this post will help me and others in building their ideal Caliburn 4!


Yea so thing for this thing have been going well but I messed up so many tolerances 💀 oh well more to improve I guess


I bought one in eBay for the drum mags and was wondering if the blaster didn’t fire well what should I do with it? So are they’re any spring i can buy that will work well without me having to buy extra parts? And if not do you have any recommendations?


Kiddo 02 looked like they wanted a Sneak Attacker like 01 had, so I got another. And after fixing a mix-up with the air restrictor, they both got some brass for extra speed and custom dart racks.

While they were really intended for basic blasting needs, they also work well with the ol' Double Deuce Action, i.e. tie a cord to the plunger rings, loop it over the back of your neck, and dual-wield with ease.


Hey Dudebros. There’s finally a native App for iOS. Memmy for Lemmy. Unfortunately it has no N-Strike barrel lug but you can download it here:


I say "kijiji" becasue that's what people use where I live, but Craigslist/Letgo/etc. can be good too. I have a bookmark folder for each day of the week, full of . . . well, mostly webcomics to be honest, but the point is that there's a link to a kijiji search for "nerf" in each.

It's a system that I've been using for a few years now and I highly recommend it.

The second gearup Recon was a pleasant surprise. I thought that I was doing well to get gearup and crimson in the same lot, but hey, there was more lurking at the bottom of the box.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So today I found a BuzzBeeToys Rapid Fire Tek blaster in a charity shop for a very cheap price, I bought it and it only came with one empty shell, and I'm wondering if it's possible to buy a pair of shells + foam darts to use with this? I know that this is not a Nerf blaster but I was wondering if it was possible for someone here who's really into this stuff could help direct me to where I'm supposed to be asking, or even help me with this.

This is the exact blaster I found Thanks!


Thanks to NerfSG's suggestions and some print testing, some changes have been made to the initial design so here you go! More Ergonomic grip, (relatively) shorter overall length (depends on barrel used) and ambidextrous mag release (User can choose which side they want the mag release on), hopefully this one works better


I'm designing a printed stringer that uses a sled rather than direct string contact, and I'm trying to decide on whether the trigger should pull or push on the catch mech to release. In a direct contact stringer, the catch mech just pushes the string directly upward, so this is all new to me.

The sled is already pushing forward against the catch, so a pulling trigger would press the catch harder into the sled and pull it back further before releasing. A pushing trigger would instead move in the same direction as the string tension, temporarily reducing the load on the catch before releasing.

Is there a significant difference between these two methods? Should I just use a pivoting catch instead? Bear in mind that stringer springloads can get a lot, lot heavier than springers if desired, so I'm thinking in terms of what will be best for these printed parts as they produce constant lateral friction against each other.

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