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National sites that occasionally have WA specific articles:
Maybe I’ve just been out of the loop, not celebrating Jan 26 for a few years, but since when are we selling national holidays to mining companies?
A mining company whose founder in 1984 advocated for the sterilisation of Indigenous Australians.
A mining company whose chairwoman in 2022 refused to denounce the comments made by her father in 1984, then revoked sponsorship from Netball Australia after a player commented on that fact.
Why is the city of Perth advocating for this event? They have closed roads in the city for an event funded by a company that has no regard for land rights or ecology. Every piece of advertising for the day has ‘Hancock Prospecting’ welded to the front of it, even those that come directly from the CoP. I get being sponsored by companies to pay for events, but rebranding the whole event seems absurd.
It’s disgusting.
Can’t wait for the Durex x Coca-Cola Kings Birthday celebrations though!
Great presentation of some of the history of WA coffee culture by Olivia Colvin. I think the writer and Mr Lee haven't quite hit the mark with why Starbucks failed in WA especially, but Australia in general.
It wasn't boutique stores, or nan and pop stores, it was the plethora of chains we already have. Starbucks came in serving a relatively indistinguishable product from the rest.
The key to their spectacular failure in WA, i think, is Dome. They did what Starbucks was in WA first, and do it well enough, even with their branding to defend their home market.
Mr Lee is maybe right about nostalgia for some people, but it will be convenience of store locations and speed of delivery that will make the difference for a bland brand like Starbucks.
Loved the history presented in this article though!
These 'policies' will be popular even if their implementation is improbable.
WA Labor will do what Labor in the UK and Australia is doing everytime a culture war bone like this is thrown in the ring, they will embrace the rhetoric to neutralise the front page tirades.
But that could include passing laws that limit the freedom of online movement, and speech. Which is not where i'd like to end up.
This article should also serve as a heads up. The next election looks like its going to be a faux libertarian culture war, where they specifically contradict their so called 'libertarian principles' every time it doesn't suit their momentary demands. The result, making it even more difficult than it already is for this State to quietly transition away from fossil fuels and environment ruining employment and behaviour.
I just hope the people of Churchlands don't make a poor choice. Embarass this so called 'leader in waiting' Zempilas, knock him back get someone who cares about the place more than their own Channel 7 manicured ego.
I love the idea about verge gardens. Its an interesting use of public land, but its interesting to think this land use probably works against possible urban infill policies.
So might become a future tension point between stakeholders who traditionally see themselves on the same side in a generalised discussion.
neighbours nearby say they purchased their homes on the understanding it was a purely residential neighbourhood and they’re worried noisy customers might start queuing in their street and create a hazard
This might be the most nimby thing i've ever read. Also, whats this suburbia mindset they've got? They purchased their homes with the understanding a cafe won't be on their block. Please.
They bought a parcel of land on that block, not the whole thing. Theres a limit to how much say people should have over what their neighbours do with their land.
Also, "noisy customers"? What kind of cafe is, caffeine and dubstep?
patrons would have to walk through the kitchen to use the residential tenant’s toilet, as it was the only one on site. He said it made the application unapprovable
This seems to be the nimby's only fair point. Cafe owners need to pony up, build a new toilet off the side of the building or something.
Just when you thought you'd made it through the holidays. 😀
I think a half-day strike is just as bad for parents than a full one. We still need to arrange for the kids to be taken care of until 12:30. Apparently we can send them in anyway, but they won't be in class and it isn't exactly supporting the teachers to do that.
I hope there is progress in the negotiations and the strike gets called off.
I think if the people of Freo can come up with a fairly tight architectural vision, that includes 5 or 6 storey limits on building heights in certain areas, then people might feel a bit more relaxed about developera coking in.
*edit: 'developers coming in.'
Unfortunately developers give themselves a shit name by building the same cookie cutter buildings as cheaply as legally required. Then they get butthurt when people aren't interested in their tired vision to make their suburb look exactly like every single other suburb in this monotonous town.