
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Now that is an unpopular opinion.

This is like an opinion some Easterling would have. /j ;)

What if i told you its got a frypan wielding, tater tasting, gardener?


If you're like me, and need an explainer on tandem cells, they're simply talking about Multi-junction Solar Cells.... Yeah, i's not sure either, have a link! :)


Ms Joenpolvi said similar results were found in posts on the luxury cars – those that included progress-focused language about sustainability achieved well above the average shares on Facebook for each brand.

“The posts that mentioned their luxury cars had ‘sustainable materials’, ‘eco-friendly materials’ or were fighting ‘plastic pollution’ achieve dismal shares, such as just 6 per cent of the average shares for that brand.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I'd forgotten that episode. Time for a relisten, Turnbull has done a good job with that podcast.

He probably needs another host though, someone else to bounce off to liven him up a little.

I heard Shorten is about to become quite a lot less busy....

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Ah cool, cheers!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Good infographic, looks like its part of a bigger piece though, have you got the source?

  • Project cost $3.8b
  • approx 1000mw hours
  • 201 Turbines
  • Possibly support 375 jobs during conatruction, and 70 permanent jobs
  • Waiting on community engagement, and planning approvals.
  • Begin construction by 2029 - 2032

Could be a winner. Nice to see good news.


The bills ban charities from using general donations on public communications about ‘electoral matters’, which includes commentary on issues like climate change during an election campaign.

Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie said the dirty deal is an attack on democracy and truth in politics:

“This law kneecaps charities from doing their essential work during elections. By silencing independent voices, the Labor and Liberal parties are making sure Australians only hear from politicians on issues like climate change.

“This law gags independent and fearless advocates like the Climate Council from speaking out on the very issue we were set up to solve. How will Australians know what politicians are up to on climate change, if the only voices left in the debate during elections are politicians or their financial backers in the fossil fuel industry?”

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Hahaha, so joyfully useless!

  1. Be prepared for a long haul
  2. Know the system
  3. Be strategic
  4. Seize the moment
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Its okay, Dutton wears glasses now.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

I used to work with a lady who could whistle like it was a summery bird. She was one of the more pleasant people i've worked alongside in my life.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

When you say hold, what do you mean?

Like furrowing your forehead and holding it in the creases? Or is it more of a balance type situation?

Do you pick it up with your forehead as well, or does this thing need finger loading?

What part/s of the pencil can be held, is it the side? Dull end? Sharp end?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Please answer this.

Maybe your one of those local famous people everyone in town knows about, but nobody from out of town has ever heard about, you might be called, the red-line throat singer, the train seat growler...


YouGov research for the Australian Conservation Foundation, found:

85% of parents worry about their children’s health and safety in extreme heat.

70% of parents have kept their child inside more often over the summer holidays, with higher numbers for parents of children aged 5 or younger (76%) and Queenslanders (75%) 67% of parents who kept children indoors had negative feelings including feeling confined (32%), stressed (26%), trapped (23%), anxious (21%), sad (21%) and overwhelmed (18%).

79% report heatwaves impact their family’s sleep, with 21% saying reporting significantly impacts children’s sleep and 58% saying it somewhat impacts their children’s sleep.

45% reported limiting the use of air conditioners or fans during heatwaves because of the cost of power bills.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Interesting, so i take from that, they see some issues themselves. Be interesting to see what actions they take with that in mind.

For my own interest just looked on lemmyverse.net.

I knew they had a lot of communities, but at 10,612 communities, phew, who is modding all of that!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

A human might not, but you have to wonder if Treebeard was cruising round Isengard after the battle collecting arms and legs of the dunlendings for his vase on his dinner table back home.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Wow! This is new! For me, i mean. That'll be useful to keep track of cheers!

Yeah, LW is a little problematic. It'd be interesting to read the LW admins and mods take on this. Whether they feel stretched, or see the issues the smaller instances see, or whether their size and centralised role is what they like.

The only thing i remember from a ways back is the admins have an express mantra of user growth.

  • 5 year battle.
  • ~$400,000 in taxpayer funds wasted in legal fees.
  • Liberal, National, and Labor in anti-transparency unity ticket.
  • Minister Bridget McKenzie acted beyond her powers.
  • Rex Patrick is a bloody legend.
  • We now have it confirmed a Governments documents may not be shredded, and do in fact belong to the Nation and not the Ministers. That is until they find a loophole.
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