YouGov research for the Australian Conservation Foundation, found:
85% of parents worry about their children’s health and safety in extreme heat.
70% of parents have kept their child inside more often over the summer holidays, with higher numbers for parents of children aged 5 or younger (76%) and Queenslanders (75%)
67% of parents who kept children indoors had negative feelings including feeling confined (32%), stressed (26%), trapped (23%), anxious (21%), sad (21%) and overwhelmed (18%).
79% report heatwaves impact their family’s sleep, with 21% saying reporting significantly impacts children’s sleep and 58% saying it somewhat impacts their children’s sleep.
45% reported limiting the use of air conditioners or fans during heatwaves because of the cost of power bills.
Now that is an unpopular opinion.
This is like an opinion some Easterling would have. /j ;)
What if i told you its got a frypan wielding, tater tasting, gardener?