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The place for discussion and jamming out to the tunes of the revolution! Link songs and such here, so that we may create a large database of songs for the proletariat! Any musicians can hang and post their own music as well! This is for everything Communist and Musical!


  1. The music must apply to one or more of these categories: Communist Propaganda Music (Red Army Choir), Music from Socialist countries (Zemlyane, Vesyolye Rebyata, Kerber, etc) , from an anti-capitalist group supported by MLs (IRA, Syria, Libya, Etc), anti-capitalist songs and artists (real ones not grifters like Tupac, make sure of that), or music that is absent of politics entirely(shaky one here, don't toe the line) like classical or instrumentals, and remixes of the previously listed items
  2. You must put the Name of the song,, and artist on the title (in that order). Ex Katyusha, Red Army Choir. - Also, if you can, put the nation the song is from (optional) -If you don't know either the artist or location, you should put "unknown"
  3. No Reactionary politics or songs
  4. No several hour remixes. Single songs only
  5. Only still pictures of famous artists (appreciation posts), other small exceptions apply
  6. Feel the vibes
  7. NO NIGHTCORE (unless its yours or from Samuel Farina)
  8. Standard Genzedong rules about conduct, any crazy business will be punished.

founded 3 years ago

Imagine Simping for a Non-Existant Apartheid state 🤮, this song is dedicated for those rhodieboos out there, Rest in piss rhodesia.


This is my favorite song.




“Japanese version of a Chinese revolutionary song. Notably, the word "good" (好) here comes directly from Mandarin Chinese. Additionally, this version of the song makes reference to the People's Communes, a feature which was not present in the original. This recording was graciously provided to me by the channel "Kū-chan", which also specialises in digitising revolutionary songs.”

Performer: Central Chorus (中央合唱団)

Year Performed: 1963

Lyricist: Based on lyrics by Xi Yang (希扬)

Composer: Li Huanzhi (李焕之)

Year Written: 1958 (Chinese original)


We are the next fighters, make our ideological ancestors proud!


Shared to me by a hexbear comrade, its a very nice song and I wanted to share it. The lyrics are very socialist as well, so it fits the rules.

Here is the english language translation from @[email protected] :

The chorus goes: "Farmers, Carpenters, young lads of Jutland / Now we must win in the counts feud" Some choice verses: 2nd: "Humans they exchange for money the port to freedom they lock and stock they torture and bind with inheritance and debt the earth, as if they'd made it themselves"

3rd: "Behind the richs glittering helmets is hiding scared shaking skulls the devil itself has given them to dress armour, shields, earth and coin"

4th: "Riches they say are for the rich The bible has something else to say poor on earth did gods son wander didn't exactly get his pay at them

5th: "The church's black birdflocks must now shield itself from girls' laughter overdressed rooster-men on guard must now meet the danish man"

6th: "The cock has crowed three times now stand fast, for we are the many do not let the future say of us that the rich broke us without a fight"


I sure hope this wasn't posted before but I found no traces of it so far. This is by far one of my favorite communist songs simply because of its grandeur. The video's title is right in calling this a masterpiece. Enjoy!


Ngl, I actually really like this style of communist songs

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Also it's a banger. Based.


A mashup of two Cuban songs, "El Cubanito" and "Cuba, qué Linda es Cuba", with alternate lyrics written and performed by members of the Mexican group "Grupo Emiliano Zapata".

Performer: Grupo Emiliano Zapata Year recorded: 1971 Composer: Miguelito Valdes (from "El Cubanito"), Eduardo Saborit (from "Cuba, qué Linda es Cuba") Lyricist: Pepe Mosca Source: Vinyl record "Somos Gente De La Prepa Popular"


"Oh, Little Apple!", is a Red Army rendition of a traditional Russian folk song, regarding the operations of Bolshevik forces across Siberia during the Russian Civil War in ousting White Army leader, Alexander Kolchak and his Social Revolutionary (SRs) supporters.


Original (Italian)

Fischia il vento e infuria [urla] la bufera,
scarpe rotte e pur bisogna andar
a conquistare la rossa primavera
dove sorge il sol dell'avvenir.
A conquistare la rossa primavera
dove sorge il sol dell'avvenir.

Ogni contrada è patria del ribelle,
ogni donna a lui dona un sospir,
nella notte lo guidano le stelle
forte il cuore e il braccio nel colpir.

Se ci coglie la crudele morte,
dura vendetta verrà dal partigian;
ormai sicura è [già] la dura sorte
del fascista vile traditor.

Cessa il vento, calma è la bufera,
torna a casa il fiero partigian,
sventolando la rossa sua bandiera;
vittoriosi e alfin liberi siam.


The wind whistles, the storm rages,
our shoes are broken but we must march on,
to conquer the red spring,
where the sun of the future rises.
to conquer the red spring,
where the sun of the future rises.

Every street is home to the rebel,
every woman has a sigh for him,
the stars guide him through the night,
strong his heart and his arm when they strike.
the stars guide him through the night,
strong his heart and his arm when they strike.

If cruel death catches us
harsh revenge will come from the partisan
already certain is the harsh fate
of the vile treasonous fascist.
already certain is the harsh fate
of the vile treasonous fascist.

The wind stops and the storm calms,
the proud partisan returns home,
blowing in the wind his red flag,
victorious, at last we are free.
blowing in the wind his red flag,
victorious, at last we are free.

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