Mental Health
This is a safe place to discuss, vent, support, and share information about mental health, illness, and wellness.
Thank you for being here. We appreciate who you are today. Please show respect and empathy when making or replying to posts.
If you need someone to talk to, @[email protected] has kindly given his signal username to talk to: TherapyGary13.12
The rules for posting and commenting, besides the rules defined here for, are as follows:
- No promoting paid services/products.
- Be kind and civil. No bigotry/prejudice either.
- No victim blaming. Nor giving incredibly simplistic solutions (i.e. You have ADHD? Just focus easier.)
- No encouraging suicide, no matter what. This includes telling someone to commit homicide as "dragging them down with you".
- Suicide note posts will be removed, and you will be reached out to in private.
- If you would like advice, mention the country you are in. (We will not assume the US as the default.)
If BRIEF mention of these topics is an important part of your post, please flag your post as NSFW and include a (trigger warning: suicide, self-harm, death, etc.)in the title so that other readers who may feel triggered can avoid it. Please also include a trigger warning on all comments mentioning these topics in a post that was not already tagged as such.
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Some moderators are mental health professionals and some are not. All are carefully selected by the moderation team and will be actively monitoring posts and comments. If you are interested in joining the team, you can send a message to @[email protected].
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I usually don't comment here, but I can relate because I had this exact thing happen to me (and I'm still paying for it). I can say from experience that my hospitalization was less pleasant than county jail.
I can't afford long-term therapy, but I did manage to glean one useful strategy from my therapist. I made a list of people I can call when I'm feeling suicidal. Not even to talk about my feelings per se, but even just to call and be like, "Hey, how you doing?"
Some of the people on my list are like, a discord server admin who I trust and who I know won't mind the call. Doesn't have to be all close friends and family, but enough that there's someone to talk to with whom I have some sort of established connection, which is even better than talking to some rando on 988 imo
I hope this helps. I know what works for me may not work for everyone.