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Go team trackball!
I'm still using my herd of M570s, is the M575 any good? The MX Ergo is a mistake; it's nice how it tips over but the ball is at the wrong angle and the rubberized coating perished so the surface feels like pus now.
I'm still on my umpteenth m570 too, with a red ball from an older model. I haven't tried any of the newer ones yet. I'm excited to try the 575, but my cheap self is still insisting the infamous 570 multiple clicking hasn't gotten bad enough to justify it quite yet.
Glad to meet a kindred spirit!
Oh the multiple clicking isn't an issue for me, if one of my mice starts getting uppity I tear its guts out and replace the switch. I think I've replaced the switch in all of my M570's at least once now. My backpack one is imtiredboss.jpg
Nice, one of these days I'll summon up the gumption to try getting in there and fixing it.
You need a #1 phillips, a #0 phillips, a soldering iron and accoutrements for desoldering and soldering 3 through-hole joints. There's a screw under the sticker in the battery compartment; there are no clips holding the outer shell together, if it doesn't fall apart under gravity there's another screw somewhere.
Note the replacements will likely fail eventually too if you replace it with the same part number switch; there is a more appropriate switch for the task but don't ask for the part number off the top of my head.
This is the one I went with. It's close in design to the M570 but better.
Ooooh, might tempt me away from the m575...
intrigued trackball user noises. What's the coating on that thing like? Like the best case scenario is hard plastic, a rubberized coating either perishes or tears or something.
It's identical to earlier models of the Logitech version as far as I can tell.