
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

That's all fair. I'm not at all satisfied with their performance, just not surprised. Legislators don't know how to respond to the Gish Gallop, especially when it's taken the top offices.

[–] 3 points 15 hours ago

I don't see a voting way out of this, sadly.

So if it's a revolution, and we win, we then get to institute different rules that don't lead to the inevitable two party domination.

[–] 3 points 17 hours ago

No. The people are going to have to do it. Or the military, but that rarely ends well for anyone.

[–] 19 points 19 hours ago (7 children)

Democrats aren't revolutionaries. They're legislators. Most of them didn't sign up for this but for normal work.

It does mean we have the wrong people in office when we need fighters, but I don't see how you can throw all the blame on them.

They're the ones who are afraid of going to Gitmo, assuming they aren't otherwise disappeared.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Oh, they'll turn eventually. And then we will have VP Pence and Project 2025 still happening. It's part of the plan. The president building his own insurgent army is not.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Had a job interview and kicked ass. Should hear back in a week.

I'm out of my current job on May 1st, so if I can have a new job lined up before then, I'll be in a good place.

Plus it's an organization I have zero qualms supporting, and my parents worked for them multiple decades ago. I'm hoping it all comes together.

Edit: Not trying to bring that karma shit here but I truly appreciate this being the most upvoted comment in the thread at the moment. It's not like me to be optimistic, and I'm extremely happy to be this confident right now. If it's not this job, it'll be another.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago

There's a book called The Botany of Desire, by Michael Pollan, which is about this. Looking from the plants eye view of things, they have manipulated us into growing them in a huge variety of environments. The book focuses on tulips, cannabis, apples, and potatoes, iirc. Fascinating book.

Two quick examples from the book:

Pot gets us high, now we grow it in closets, warehouses, yards, basements, attics, etc.

Apples don't reproduce true from seed, so Johnny Appleseed brought readily available cider to the Americas. (You need a cutting of an apple tree to grow that type of apple.)

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You get to grieve there with your family. The weird people leave with your old dog (sob), after everyone gets to give their respects, and then it's just you and your remaining family.

It's a funeral. And I'm so lucky to have this because we don't get charged for that extra service - the boss considers us family for that. The hospital went corporate and that touch won't last but I appreciate his efforts there for us.

[–] 20 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Shit like this fuels the deep state nonsense.

This isn't a secret Supreme Court, it's just something public that you didn't know about before.

They're just public administrators. It's how government works.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I'm glad you've had good experiences in waiting rooms! Mine were mixed and now I honestly never have to deal with any of it because she does.

And I completely agree on the latter. We have that done and it's so much ... better? To have that closure, with all the other pets able to be present and see/smell them and say goodbye.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Just replying again since my wife got home.

She said what actually happens is that when the pet is in the exam room, the customer is brought to the room. I just didn't know the whole process post-covid. You were right!

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

I just remember it from the premise. A good dad who was widowed, and as such is not a divorcee with toxic attachments. The almost impossible to find guy, a unicorn.

The premise is slightly toxic itself and not that interesting. As I recall, my wife liked it.


I was honestly curious if there was a link between the two terms, not a scientific one.

That said the number of participants in the study makes it a little questionable.

Catnip time! (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Left to right and actually sorted oldest to youngest we have:

Bernie Sanders is eight years old.

Miles Morales is just over four.

Abed Nadir & Troy Barnes are two and a quarter.

Maryjane is just over a year and is a foster fail. I'm the one that insisted on the failure. My dad adopted Mongo from the same litter.

Maryjane was supposed to be a Peter Parker but my wonderful professional vet tech wife was wrong this time.

Somehow everyone gets along in our house. 5 cats, 2 labradors, 1 tortoise, almost zero fights.


Hey all, I'm a cis ally in the upper Midwest of the USA. I offered a room to Keris a while back and she accepted.

She got here Wednesday night and things are going very well. She likes me, my wife, and our cats and one dog, and is learning to tolerate the other.

She has an attic bedroom that is her space alone.

She has time to unwind and figure out what she wants to do without fear of being dumped on the streets.

I just wanted to let you all know that we have taken her in and that she is safe and loved.


I've been a fan of They Might Be Giants for most of my life and have always been surprised that people universally disagree with me on this.

Linnell's songs tend to be quirkier but also shallower. (State Songs is a good example here - there isnt a song for every state and theyre often abstract to the point of meaninglessness. I expected such a project to have more inspiration behind it.

I've always found Flansburgh's more melodic and thoughtful, slightly better composed, and with a superior singing voice.

Of course they're a great duo and they play off each other's strengths. I don't dislike Linnell at all, just the songs that he sings tend to not be my favorites.

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