Three millennials buy abandoned high school, convert it into 31-unit housing
A place to post good news and prevent doom scrolling!
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Lol, give it a decade, you'll see what happens.
Landlord simp
lol sure
simps for landlords
"How dare you accuse me of simping for landlords"
go be stupid somewhere else
Yeah, because I care what your bootlicking ass thinks lol
I know you are but what am I?
(When talking to a landlord simp you have to stoop a little)
Ah, out of options already?
This bot sucks.
I have been aware of that area of Homestead for decades, and it has slowly been getting a lot better since the 80s/early 90s. The area it is in is the gentrified part that has been steadily getting more wealth, and less QOL issues, for decades now. It is on 9th right between west and amity, just up from the waterfront.