She hoped Trump would revive her farm. Now she worries his policies could bankrupt it.
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The pay does do it for some jobs. I was up on a rooftop in -10F wind at 1AM for several hours a month ago fixing a furnace. But I was being paid $50 per hour (in a very low COL area) to do it so I was happy to do it and would be hapy to do it again. I regualrly have to crawl around in the nastiest places in places like meat cutting plants, work in -20F freezers, or on rooftops in scorching heat, but I get paid well to do it and my employer treats me well so I can say I actually love my job. People will not only put up with some miserable conditions if you pay them enough and treat them well but they will often even enjoy it.
The problem is farm work is miserable while still paying like shit and, to top it all off, usually the ones in charge are entitled assholes like the one in the article.
For me it's literally about hours per day. People shouldn't have to choose between making a living and knowing their kids growing up.
But yeah, hard work should pay more to make it worth it.