Today's game is Mario Kart 64. I originally was going to do some more Far Cry 3, but Ubisoft has this bug with the Launcher where it makes me sign in every time i want to play the game and that's just a major motivation killer for me when i'm short on time.
I did the Star Cup today, which is host to one of my favorite tracks in this game (though, i love all of this game's tracks. They're all really solid). That track is Wario Stadium, one that as far as i know hasn't come back ever compared to any of it's partner tracks which for the most part have been in other games (though i have a few issues with N64 Rainbow Road and Toad's Turnpike's Remakes), Which is really disappointing.
It's this really solid track full of bumps and jumps that almost feels like a monster truck arena. There's like one part that really feels BS and it's a jump that knocks you really far back if you get messed up, but that's it. Being bumped around is a lot of fun and makes me really want to see this track on modern systems.
Right at the end of the race Wario was right up my ass the entire time. You can see this in the screenshot along with a shell i had thrown earlier right above us. Wario was seconds away from passing me.
This wasn't the only time it happened too. On the very next race Mario was up my ass the entire time. Those damn penguins didn't make things any easier though. This cup is probably the most challenging for me. Each course has like one part that i can't do consistently.
This track above specifically has the most parts i get caught on, i'll crash into the Thwomps or fall of the Lava Bridge. The music too it is killer though.
This corner on Royal Raceway i always suck at too. I'll hit it too hard and then spin out into the water. This is like an every time thing for me too.
But the thing that makes it worth it is the Jump and the SM64 castle. Sometimes i'll pop into time trial just to visit the castle. I imagine it was probably to save on time and they just went "eh, let the player drive up to it", but it's so cool that it's there nonetheless,

I gave up on my AC Black Flag replay because of that bloody ubi launcher bug xD
I almost did the same with my Black Flag playthrough. What I ended up doing was using the Steam Notes to save my Ubisoft password and copy and paste it in. Ik it’s horrible for security, but I was fed up with having to get my phone out and look at my keychain just to type out the long password