
joined 8 months ago

Today's game is Halo Infinite. Me and my friend continued our Legendary playthrough and did another mission with it (and also cleared a few more FOB). The screenshot above was taken at the top of a mountain where we got an achievement. The games views are gorgeous and give me big BoTW vibes.

During the mission we had this boss fight with a Brute with a hammer, and it was unusually difficult. This game has a lot of good things going for it, but one complaint i have is that the boss fights feel off. Like with Halo 2 the boss fights felt rewarding to do, but in this one it just feels like every other shooter where you break the enemies shield, and then shoot them some more. I don't really know how to explain it but it feels more tedious than fun.

The last complaint i have is that the Legendary mode feels weirdly unbalanced. Like with older games Legendary is a constant challenge, but this one the common enemies are easy but then the game will rarely through a boss that is ungodly hard or even a pair of enemies that take forever or really precise strategies. I guess my complaint is i would rather for a constant challenge than it randomly spiking.

An example is the fight in the picture above (it was so difficult i took a victory photo). From what i've heard from my friend this fight is hard on normal too, but i can't confirm that. The entire fight took us like an hour because whenever we even peaked out to look for him they'd demolish us with their guns that explode. Imagine like a rocket launcher that fired really fucking fast would arc too find you. So there's like no hiding from it. We eventually persisted though after i trapped one of the two brutes in a crack and killed him and then i slowly whittled away at the other one with a sentinel beam and AR.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 22 hours ago

Fuck it, 30 second sketch too.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

I think I was too young to be there for Dubstep. Though I feel like I was there for stacking cups. So maybe I didn’t miss it and it was more so my internet access at the time. But damn, this song definitely made Dubstep click for me. One of the last things I did last night was add it to my music library.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 23 hours ago

I liked 4, it’s very much a victim of being a Ubisoft game though, as in it’s more of the same. I’d say the only difference is the setting.

5 is similarly pretty good, I feel like it removed a lot of the “Guerrilla Warfare” feel of the combat but the villain is really good and the setting is pretty solid too. I haven’t played 6 though. If I had to guess though it’s the same. More of the same.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 23 hours ago

I’m a sucker for 4’s main Villain, but damn did Joseph do a really good job. I’d have to place Vaas above him though because the dude seems genuinely unhinged.

You’re right about the 2010s villains too, I really hope we get some really good ones this decade too

[–] [email protected] 2 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

I think it was a combo of the ROP and 5090 not reaching 4090 performance levels is what I was thinking of now that you mention it. I was mistaken, my bad


I made my way through Far Cry 3 some more today. I did another one of those dream sequences and it made me walk through this trippy underwater bridge. Someone before said that they get boring, and after accidentally bugging it out and having to do it twice, i completely understand that. They are very slow and a major pace breaker.

Shortly after the drug sequence, the game gave me a flamethrower and told me to go nuts. This moment was a lot of fun and i can understand why this is the most highly praised Far Cry game. It's so tacky that you can't help but love it. The entire time there's this catchy song playing in the background and you just get to go on this power trip of burning drugs and enemies with the flamethrower. It's probably one of the best moments in this game yet.

I had a few more screenshots i wanted to share, but Lemmy doesn't seem to want to upload them, but they basically boiled down to that my only complaints are that the game is bright as fuck (like someone turned up the saturation) and that any-non essential lines sound crunched to hell. Besides that though i'm having a lot of fun with it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I feel like i see this a lot in indie games now (and some big name games too). The most common one i see is Stardew Valley. As happy as it makes me seeing someone try something new, it gets a bit tiring seeing 10 games every month that's just "Stardew Valley but X"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I know the OG fat is known for having a few issues, I can't imagine it causes that big of a performance problem though so it must be the game. I just repasted my Slim model so i might give both it and Silent Hill Homecoming a try just to see for myself

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I might be wrong, but hasn't the 5000 series GPUs been having performance issues? Might that have something to do with it too?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I put a marksman's scope on it today and it's like one of the best weapons in my arsenal. It's so satisfying to use

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

The OST is amazing. I did this mission where you use the Flamethrower to burn some drug fields and the song they used for it is catchy as fuck


I continued through Far Cry 3 today. I got like a good 1/3 of the map filled out. It's interesting to think that a map of that size was once considered a "big" game map, and now it's almost kind of dwarfed.

I ended up doing this Acid trip sequence that was almost Alice in Wonderland feeling. From what i've heard the game takes heavy inspiration from Alice in Wonderland so that's probably why.

The same mission has you going up to this house up on a hill to see if one of your friends are there. The whole house had a series of pretty views and was gorgeous to look at. Here are some more examples:

Finally, I also got this bow (free landscape included as a bonus), and i have to say that it's probably one of the most OP weapons i've used. As long as i can hit my shots enemies go down instantly and with little to no sound. I can use it too take out snipers and clear the way for me to take over and outpost, all without alerting any one else.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

4 is probably one of my favorites but in the brief time i've spent with 3 it's definitely a close contender

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I just got to the first High experience, it gave very Alice in Wonderland vibes. It was fun but I can see how it can get old very quickly.


Today's game is Far Cry 3. I've been wanting to play this for the longest time after hearing so many positive things about this one specifcally, and after picking up 5 while on sale, and i guess this came with the bundle so i decided to play it after Red Dead 2.

I didn't get very far out of the opening, but my first impressions of the villian were that i really like him. He's that kind of deranged i feel like we don't get very often, and when we do i feel like they usually get a redemption arc of some kind. I really like how unhinged he seems, it really makes him feel intimidating as a villian (which is honestly something Far Cry seems to do well from the other ones i've played).

Graphically it looks awesome too. At the native settings it would have had around 2012 it didn't look to great, but after raising it to the max it looks really good. It can be crazy how future proofed older games are with graphic options. Ubisoft around this time especially seemed to do this with their games. I remember Black Flag being the exact same way


I have finished Red Dead 2's story completely. This has got to be one of my favorite games in recent memory. They could have just stopped it at Arthur's death and brushed over everything that happened to John in between the games, but instead they gave us this amazing 2 Epilogues that perfectly tie the two games together.

I got this final screenshot at the very end, after which the game crashed on me which it wouldn't be complete without for me. Irc this is John and Abigail's final resting spot at the end of the first game. I love how they end at the same spot in every game. It's an amazing detail i love.

While doing American Venom, i also got this picture of Micah scurrying out of the tower:

And then also this shot i'm proud of with Arthur confronting Micah's Henchmen. This shot is probably one of the ones i see floated around the most so i wanted to try recreating it:

During the mission where Abigail and John go to Blackwater, I got a ton of fun photos too. I like the repetition of Arthur's Date with Mary to a theater, only this time Showing that John got out of the life (or at least a lot closer than arthur did).

I think this game probably is in my all time favorites. It's the kind of game where after you beat it you kind of feel empty after beating it. Those are the best games and a way of measuring how much i enjoyed it.


I've finished up the Arthur chapters of Red Dead 2 and started on John's. As odd as it is, I think I'm glad I waited this long to finish it. With my age I think has come a better understanding of the ending, when before when I was younger I would have just been sad about Arthur. The killing of your horse is downright diabolical too and I love it. I even knew it was coming and thought it wouldn't affect me, but nope. It hit me really hard, especially knowing what was going to happen shortly after.

During Epilogue 1, I got this fun picture of all the horses on the ranch. I don't think I've ever seen a proper ranch in the story with this many cattle, so it was a fun sight.

Another screenshot I grabbed was this one of the mission where you go to rescue Eagle Flies at the oil field. I liked whole mission strand because it mirrored Red Dead 1 in so many ways (Dutch's cliff scene, and foreshadow's how he exploits Native American Tribes too further his own goals), and I also liked how it highlighted a lot of the mistreatment of Native American Tribes. That's something I feel like a lot of Western's I feel like brush off or purposefully exclude.

I'm hoping to finish the epilogue tomorrow, which is exciting. I've never made it this far before.


Today's game is Halo Infinite. I picked it up while it was on sale (along with gifting some copies of MCC to friends). I mostly got it for Campaign, but me and my friend also played some of the multiplayer too. It's interesting. I can't say i'm a fan of the battlepass or micro transaction system, but the gameplay is a bit fun. I think the older games are my favorites still because Infinite feels a bit too like all the other live service shooter with all the flashy stuff and high paced speed, but it's still a lot of fun. The maps look cool and some of the new weapons are cool.

We played some of the campaign today too. It's a bit like Far Cry. Honestly, if they were going to try to do something different, it's not the worst thing to try. I found myself gravitating to the reliable battle rifle and AR combo though. Me and my friend went straight to legendary for the campaign, i think this might be the easiest we've done though (though we've been able too bring a tank with us everywhere so that might be what's making it difficult).

The hardest things so far has been the boss fights, we fought this guy who turns invisible. We ended up using the shock crates to stun him and then sticking the fuck out of him. It worked really well and once we broke his shield we just ran at him and started punching him.

Overall, i'm really enjoying it though. I think i'll stick to MCC for multiplayer for now but i might pop in for a few games of infinite every now and then


Today's game is Halo Infinite. I picked it up while it was on sale (along with gifting some copies of MCC to friends). I mostly got it for Campaign, but me and my friend also played some of the multiplayer too. It's interesting. I can't say i'm a fan of the battlepass or micro transaction system, but the gameplay is a bit fun. I think the older games are my favorites still because Infinite feels a bit too like all the other live service shooter with all the flashy stuff and high paced speed, but it's still a lot of fun. The maps look cool and some of the new weapons are cool.

We played some of the campaign today too. It's a bit like Far Cry. Honestly, if they were going to try to do something different, it's not the worst thing to try. I found myself gravitating to the reliable battle rifle and AR combo though. Me and my friend went straight to legendary for the campaign, i think this might be the easiest we've done though (though we've been able too bring a tank with us everywhere so that might be what's making it difficult).

The hardest things so far has been the boss fights, we fought this guy who turns invisible. We ended up using the shock crates to stun him and then sticking the fuck out of him. It worked really well and once we broke his shield we just ran at him and started punching him.

Overall, i'm really enjoying it though. I think i'll stick to MCC for multiplayer for now but i might pop in for a few games of infinite every now and then


Today's game is minecraft PS3 Edition. I dragged my PS3 over to my friends house again today. Last time my PS3's fans were screaming for mercy just from minecraft, but i opened it up and repasted the CELL and RSX and the fans were a lot quieter.

We played some more on the world from last time. I started a public works "committee" and built various things such as bridges and roads connecting things. My mascot is the Slime above. I set up a communal chest just for people to dump various things they don't need into it. My friend tried to build a construction hat on it too.

This bridge is one of the things i built. It connects mine and my friends house. I had setup a whole quarry to mine cobblestone just for it.

for myself i also setup a sheep farm (for the slime) and a crop farm. The crop farm i spent longer than i should have on because i was trying to fit it around the path.

Over by the farm, there's this chicken stuck on a floating island. We ended up fencing him in because we want to keep it safe. It's been there for a while though.

Finally, i got this screenshot while we were playing splitscreen. My friend penned in a zombie with his dogs, and it was just chilling there. He ended up killing it because it would stop him from sleeping, but we built a grave to remember him by.


I made a little bit more progress on Red Dead 2 today. Not much due to my progress being stopped by a crash. I moved the gang to Beaver Hollow though and went fishing as well.

While i was fishing i got this fun photo of some ducks. This game has some really good models for the animals. Very few games i feel like have their creatures modeled well enough that they look good in photo mode too. The only other game i can think of off the top of my head is Alan Wake 2, and even then that's just deer.

On the subject of animals, i got this shot of the deer that appears after Arthur finds out he has TB. I really liked this scene and how it kind of recaps all your honor choices to you. It's a good decision that i feel like kind of acts as a judge upon the players actions. I imagine it would be way more impactful though if i didn't know how it ended.

Finally, i ran into Gavin's friend again. I ran into him for the first time in Saint Denis, and then again right outside Camp. I stopped to say hi to him and then let him go on his way. It's a shame Gavin isn't in the game, because i imagine it would have been amazing to find him in quest or something


I knocked out a huge chunk of Red Dead 2 today. I finished up Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 in one blow and started 6.

Chappter 5 is a fun chapter. I see a lot of people say it draws out too long, and i kind of get that. But the feeling of going into Chapter 6 after chapter 5 really feels like coming home after a long trip and getting to relax, only for the game to say psyche and take it away from you. Not to mention the environment is really pretty. It's a shame they never got to implement the island to it's full scale, it would have been amazing to see. Below i attached some of my favorite landscapes on the island.

At one point it makes you fight off a battleship with a single cannon. While super fucking unrealistic, i love it for the cool factor alone. It was so fun to get handed this overpowered cannon for a brief second just to be able to use it to take down something of that scale.


The ship can be seen in the very foreground of the fog. Sadly the game never lets me get a good look at it.

The water in this chapter is a 10/10 for me too. It's like a perfect shade of blue. I would honestly love to see it in person if it was a real island (and obviously not a sugar plantation anymore).

Finally, While playing, i got some fun bugs too that i think would make Todd Howard proud. My favorite is when Arthur got his arm stuck in this wagon and got dragged away from dutch

There's also this one though of the Boat just filling with water:


Today's game is Mario Kart 64. I spent all day working on Red Dead 2, but after a crash i decided to kick back with Mario Kart 64. I ran an entire course through the first cup.

I've mentioned this before but this was the Mario Kart me and my sister grew up on. We had it on Wii VC and later the legit Cartridge for N64. I always have chosen Toad because i love his voice. He sounds like a menace to society which makes it fun.

For almost the entire cup i had Yoshi right up my ass. I kept having to use Bananas to spin him out and remove him. Yoshi always seems to be a constant rival in this game for me.

At one point I managed to lose him though by taking a shortcut through the train tunnel Kalimari Desert. I lost the race because it didn't count the lap, but i was happy just to get Yoshi off my back. Luckily the game lets you redo the race if you fail which is unexpected. I never knew it did that.

After redoing the race though i came in first place and got the chance to show Yoshi up. Mario came in third after i watched him shove Luigi out of the way on the final course. Up until that point they seemed to have been neck and neck

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