Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Features
Adds a full NCART (Night City Area Rapid Transit) metro system to the game, allowing players to travel around Night City via public transport.
Metros can still be used as fast travel points, but actually getting on one results in a much more cinematic experience where you travel in real time, looking out of windows and engaging with NPCs
Adds an on-person radio, or Radioport, which lets you listen to the game's existing radio stations while exploring Night City on foot or via the metro
The Radioport will be disabled during some quests that have specific music, and during key conversations
The Radioport's volume can be adjusted
Improved boss fights, including a much more powerful Adam Smasher, who now uses his Sandevistan implant like in the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime
Adds replayable car races that become available after finishing Claire's questline; you can win money and vehicle discounts
Adds a bunch of new vehicles to buy, including an open-top Porsche
You can now throw knives and axes while riding motorcycles
Motorcycle driving has been reworked, with leans, wheelies, and tricks
Enemy factions will now hunt you down after completing certain gigs, engaging in more vehicular battles
Adds a new accessibility tab in the options menu, including new settings for clearer HUD visuals, and customization for puzzle time limits
Adds hangouts with romantic partners
Once again showing that the game was rushed and incomplete at launch. I'm happy that the features are here but I really wish they had delayed it so we could have had some of this at launch.
Don't get me wrong, love the game!!
So is it worth buying now? I held off, as you do, since the release was so poor but I really wanted to play this game. Much like No Man’s Sky, I’m willing to forgive the faults of the release if they made it right eventually.
Definitely. It's my 4th most played game on steam. One thing people oddly don't mention often is how fun the combat is. I feel like a bug from starship troopers when I use Mantis Arms in melee. Just a fountain of blood with limbs flying in random directions.
Have you gotten the arms from
Honestly there are better options but I love knowing >!that I bested a MaxTac squad.!<
I haven't, but I will now :)
After finally uninstalling the game yesterday following 285 glorious hours of genuine fun, I'd say absolutely play it. It's even better on PC too, with a thriving mod scene that's adding all sorts of cool stuff (they implemented the metro system well over a year ago, though I'm sure the new one will be better), the customisation really makes it your own.
Couldn't recommend it highly enough. Cyberpunk 2077 joins the Witcher 3 on the highest shelf of my favourite games of all time.
I waited about 6 months after launch and it was worth at the time. Now? It's so much better.
Just wait for a sale. Check Steam DB, should be up for a sale soon.
I'd still say wait for a sale, but the city is a lot more interactive now, cops will engage you and if you want you can test out new cyberware builds on them immediately with GTA style "fight and then escape the cops" gameplay.
Shit gets rough fast but it's nice that you can actually do it instead of just getting instantly ganked by Maxtac because they spawned behind you three stories up on a rooftop after you just used a silenced sniper rifle to shoot someone two blocks away.
The juice is absolutely worth the squeeze
You can still tell stuff is missing but it certainly isn't a raging garbage fire anymore.
Very worth it now!
I didn't buy it per se but am currently enjoying it.
So you stole it. Boooo.
I'm merely borrowing it.
No you’re not. That would imply that you had permission in the first place and that you’d give it back afterwards. Booo.
It's a great game. I've been holding off the past couple days to wait for this, and I'm itching to go back. Story is superb, the world is incredibly detailed, and the combat is fun and incredibly varied. My only real complaint is that I wish the open world had more random activities like in Yakuza.
Yeah it's super worthwhile now, very fun. Didnt like the dlc story but the content was good
Same here. Blame the fans not cdpr.
Shareholders. Not fans.
No. Downvote all you want. The fans were extremely vocal during the second delay.
Fans don't make business decisions for multi-million dollar corporations.
Yeah because it was a mess. Did you play on release? I bought it on release, and was shocked how glitchy it was. It felt like I was testing the game, rather than playing a fully released product.
Cars falling from the sky, people/enemies floating around in T-poses, faces loading in halfway through dialogue, the game crashing at least once every time played, looking at yourself in the mirror you were always bald and missing clothes, having no gun/weapon in your hands when firing, enemies falling through the map that you can't kill, mission objectives disappearing, and the list goes on.
At one point I thought I gained a follower because the mission objective just disappeared, and didn't know why this guy was following me everywhere. Then all the sudden I got a mission failed because he died.
I played some buggy release games, but never like Cyberpunk. Lesson learned though, I will never buy a game on release ever again.
What does that have to do with the fans being upset about the game being delayed.
I will blame CDPR for not having a realistic idea of when their product can be complete by.
In the wise words of Gabe Newell: Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.
The fans would have gotten over it.
But it doesn't suck forever, Cyberpunk is awesome now. That Gabe quote came from the half life 1 era when patching a game was much more difficult or impossible in many cases.
Public opinion won't change. Loads of people still think the game sucks because of the release.