this post was submitted on 08 Feb 2024
17 points (100.0% liked)

Warhammer 40k

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A community dedicated to the universe of Warhammer 40k, a tabletop setting in the far, distant future.

This is a general community for 40k miniatures, art, lore discussion, and gameplay discussion.


  1. Keep it civil.
  2. No memeposts/shitposts. Memes are great but direct them to grimdank.
  3. Please mark any posts containing realistic nudity or realistic excessive gore/violence as NSFW; this rule mainly applies to cosplay and realistic drawings rather than miniatures. Being that 40k is inherently violent, this is a judgement call, and mods may occasionally request posters add tags.
  4. No political or social cause agenda pushing.

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founded 2 years ago

Lousy smarch weather.

This thread is permanent place for hobbying questions, resources, and discussion. Feel free to post questions or work-in-progress updates here if you don't want to make a whole new thread for them, or post any great hobby resources you find so they can stay pinned at the top of the community.

Don't let this thread put any limits on your posting. This is meant to be a place in addition to, rather than instead of seeing new posts on the community.

Helpful Youtube channels for for new painters:

If there is anything you'd like to see added to painting resources in the opening comment, post away and I'll take a look.

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[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Not a chance, the new one is over twice the height of this fella

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

That really puts it into perspective. And oh no I’m still thinking of the 2006 sculpt as “the new one”.