this post was submitted on 24 Nov 2024
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I am a 23 year old female with a IQ of 76. Ask me anything

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[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago (2 children)

An important aspect to remember about IQ scores is that they are not meant to be a measure of how intelligent you are, but more about how you process information and, thus, how easily/quickly you learn new information. You’re still “intelligent,” it may just take you a little longer to “get it” when learning new things, though. That’s ok, as long as you’re learning!

Also remember that an IQ score is a predictor of performance, not a limit.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Thank you, I had a lot of people complimenting me on my English and grammar and saying that I can't be low IQ. I love those comments. It has taken me a lot of effort to improve on my English which is hard with dyslexia. I'm proud of the progress I've made in the past 5 years. Modern technology helps the lot. The voice to text feature on my phone is a big help and writing down words I can't spell also helps.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Dyslexia probably explains a good part of the IQ test result actually. IQ tests are notoriously terrible at measuring intelligence of people with something like dyslexia as far as I know.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Why am I the way I am? Why can't I just be like everyone else? I hate having learning disabilities. Every day of my life I wonder what my life could have been if I didn't have all these things wrong with me. It feels like I was never meant to be born. I hate the person I am.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

You said in another comment that you deal with misinformation online by just waiting for it to get debunked.

I have completed a masters degree at university. An IQ test showed my IQ is higher than 130. People around me consider me a pretty smart guy.

I have never even thought of your way to deal with misinformation. It's the simplest thing too, just wait. It's brilliant too, because it almost never fails and anyone can do it without any practice or training. The source of the misinformation doesn't matter, if it was spread via the news or on a forum online doesn't matter... It always works.

It might actually be the perfect solution to this problem. And I never even thought of it! When I read your comment my first thought was "Oh my god that's brilliant".

You might not be very intelligent. But you do seem wiser than most. Everyone has their own shortcomings, their insecurities, stuff they hate about themselves. For you it's your intelligence, for others it is how athletic they are, or their looks, or maybe they really want to grow a beard, they think they're not sexy enough, not nice enough, want children but can't have them, or maybe they wake up worrying about their micropenis every day.

I can't tell you to just love yourself and who you are. I know it's not that simple. Looking at this in a different way than you probably have all your life is not easy!

I can only offer you this: my girlfriend has an uncle with a severe learning disability, severe autism and he also had a stroke when he was young. He went from an already not very smart carpenter to effectively a man with the brains of a five year old, unable to drive anymore and not able to do his job anymore.

He had to be placed in a care home. He "works" by folding envelopes or sorting lego pieces. And someone needs to explain that to him too, almost every day, again and again.

His brother, my girlfriends dad, is what I can only describe as a shithead. He was violent to her, ignored her wishes and was just cruel. She was traumatized by her youth, because her mother died young because of an accident and he quickly married again, to a total bitch this time. She hates her dad with a passion.

This uncle however is not violent. Never has been either. If another person who is in the care home hits him (some are sadly aggressive and get angry easily), he doesn't react back. They told him he can push them away, but he refuses. They sent him on a self-defense course, which he did, but he refuses to use what he learned. He says he doesn't want to.

There isn't a fiber in that man's body that is violent. He is never angry with others. He is always happy to see us and enjoys the little things in life.

I consider him a good man. I consider him better than a lot of people I know who are perfectly normal. And that's probably what he will be remembered for: that he was a good person.

Your friends aren't your friends because you're not smart. They probably just like who you are. And if my girlfriend's uncle can be a good person and happy in life, then I believe that you can be too.

I wish you all the best.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

iq isnt even any of theose things, it's incredibly contested as a metric for anything and a waste of time at best to concern yourself with.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It’s an accurate description based on what I learned while earning my degree in psychology.

Honestly most metrics in psychology aren’t useful individually. But Pop Psych doesn’t teach you that because then they couldn’t sell you on these online IQ tests that are completely invalid to begin with.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

there is cultural inertia and systemic racial biases that encourage its use in psychology as well. we agree it's not useful individually, but it's also not useful for populations, as it doesnt measure the things it is regularly and pervasively used to represent. even moreso iq at a population level is absolutely rife with cultural and systemic biases that make it easy to mistest even for those very well informed and well intentioned. We simply dont have models of intelligence mature enough to do this sort of intelligence metricising. Just because someone can envision an experiment or useful pursuit doesn't mean there are tools necessary to perform it adequately.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Thank you for expanding on your position. I'd say that's a pretty accurate assessment with IQ and other psych tests from what I learned and saw in college/internships. Psychology is a soft science, and I didn't like the idea of trying to gauge things like "intelligence" (What does that even really mean?) on a numbered scale. I was more of an abnormal/forensic psych student.

Probably for the best I ended up in networking - I've got shit people skills.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yeah i have found that a lot of the frustrations about soft sciences come from my last point, well intentioned people trying to do experiments that we simply dont yet have the tools to perform as well as they need to be. interesting about the career path! i am not super closely familiar with the field so itEs always interesting to hear where people end up!