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Helldivers 2
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I love this game, I just wish they’d fix the bugs. It’s so bad.
Like just now, I had the entire team quit 5 minutes into the mission on a higher (for me) difficulty. Somehow I was wrecking shit and got all the optional and main objectives by myself. I get to the pick up point and I’ve got 30 seconds before it lands and the game crashes. 30+ minutes wasted. I didn’t get any experience points or samples because of the crash. I just turned it off at that point.
It's a fair criticism, persistent crashes can definitely suck the fun out of a game. I'm experiencing more crashes now than I was a month ago, which is not the direction things should be going. While I'm pleased with the pace of content releases, I'd really like to see better stability in what they're releasing. The most recent one I've seen is a really common crash during the extraction animation. This one was hitting my usual group at the end of roughly half our games last. It was happening so frequently that it really makes me wonder how such a bug makes it into a release.
I will mention two troubleshooting steps that have seemed to help me. If you're on PC, try these to see if it improves your experience any:
- Verify game file integrity in Steam. It seems like there's something off with their patching system, because often after patches I'll find that a handful of files fail verification. Fixing up those files appears to have reduced CTDs for me.
- Close the game, delete your shader cache file and relaunch. On Windows the shader cache file is
. This change has appeared to have a very positive impact for me in a few instances. You will likely notice more stuttering after clearing the cache as shaders are compiled in the background, but it should stabilize after a few minutes.
After experiencing several crashes yesterday, I went through both troubleshooting steps last night and had no crashes across several missions tonight. Can't guarantee it'll help in your case, but it's worth a shot.
And that's not to say it really absolves Arrowhead of a responsibility to fix these particular problems. The fact that file verification and shader cache flush seem to resolve so many of my crashes indicates that they have serious problems they need to solve related to client patching and shader management.
I am past farming samples(also almost half way to capping the samples as well 2xx/9x/3x) so just collect medals here and there when I play that's instant deposit to your account. Or join our group for longer mission since if I got the crash/disconnect we can still rejoin each other. Pub/quickplay however doesn't allow rejoin so I probably have < 20 games join pub games. It still pretty "urrrrhhh" when you got hit by the extraction crash though.
LFG and have a regular group make the crash more tolerable if you can find a group to stick together. Also make high difficulty dives more hilarious when you can hear real life screaming.
Verify integrity if you get too many crashes. I have been playing since release and had to do it 4 times. It will not fix all crashes, but if you get frequent crashes it's likely the anti cheat getting fucky (idk why but it seemingly breaks itself over time...) which should be detected by the Steam verify integrity thingy.
I appreciate the help, but I’m playing on PS5
Some neat stuff I'd like to play with, but nothing I feel like I'm missing, I'll pick it up with super credits once I get to 1k again
Honestly, I feel like that's actually a good thing. The premium warbonds should focus on fun new toys, but nothing that you need to have in order to have fun and succeed at missions.
the grenade pistol would make most blitz really efficient though, probably most easy to get the "Hold my primary" achievement by getting that and join a blitz group trying to unlock that. )
Of course, it's more of a personal preference thing, I like a lot of the stuff in the laser warbond, while a dude I play with is very stoked for what's in this new one, just different strokes
Survivability rate went up once I got that armor.
Exploding crossbow fuck yeahhhh
That and the grenade pistol looks dope as fuck!
I'm really looking forward to trying the grenade pistol as part of my loadout vs. bots. Stun grenades make it easier to line up headshots but you can't use them to destroy factories. I'm hoping the grenade pistol can be used to close that gap.
I have that same problem! I've been using the Quasar to destroy bug holes and bot factories, but it's a pain in the ass to get the right shot sometimes and the cooldown is brutal.
I know they're not based in the United States. But they should have delayed to April 15th and called it the freedom tax
Tax declarations are due 15 April in Sweden as well.