Oddly enough, that's actually still way more efficient than driving an ICE vehicle.
I don't want to come across as if I'm defending this, because I absolutely don't agree with anything these shit heads are doing. But to answer your question, getting rid of the Department of Education doesn't mean getting rid of public schools (at least not immediately).
Most of those are funded and run by local governments. So they won't just be closing because there's no Dept of Education.
However, this move will ultimately heavily affect public schools in the long run. Conservatives seem to hate the idea of separation of church and state - so they've been pushing forever to allow religion in schools. The only way they can do this right now is through private religious schools. Their problem is that private schools are privately funded.
Their ultimate goal is to be able to take taxpayer money away from public schools and move it to private schools. Ultimately, this will decimate many public schools.
“I think he says at the end of ’26, he’s gonna start making tons of robots, ’27 and ’28, he thinks 2028 you and I are each gonna have five robots each. They’re gonna mow our lawn and they’re gonna make us coffee and they’re gonna make our bed…and they’re gonna fix our bathroom and renovate our bathrooms — I’m telling you we are gonna have very nice bathrooms!”
Wtf is this man smoking?
It's pretty obvious what he's doing, but the media absolutely cannot help themselves in amplifying everything he says. And you can't really blame them. When a president says he's going to overturn pardons issued by past presidents, you have to report that as major news. Even if he says it and isn't serious or is just trying to keep the spotlight on him and away from something else.
Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis.
Beautiful, bemuse-ed, bellicose butcher.
... ing.
... ing.
... ed?
"He wants you back," he screamed into the night air like a fireman going to a window that has no fire
... except the passion of his heart.
I am lonely.
It's really hard.
This poem
... sucks.
Ugh this just reminded me that I ran into this exact issue a couple years ago. We were running jobs every hour to ingest data from an API into our data warehouse. Eventually we got reports from users about having gaps in our data. We dug into it for days trying to find a pattern, but couldn't pinpoint anything. We were just missing random pieces of data, but our jobs never reported any failures.
Eventually we were able to determine the issue. HTTP 200 with "error: true" in the response. Fml