Antique Memes Roadshow
Giving you the backstory and appraisals of vintage memes!
Submissions should be vintage memes or commentary about vintage memes. Commenters are advised to appraise the internet value and provenance meme antiquities.
- Posts should be old memes or about old memes.
- Don’t be a jerk. Be excellent to each other.
- Keep it safe for work.
- Follow global .world instance rules outlined here
Thou'st see-eth me rolling, thou'st hating.
The gentlemen amongst the homes are always tough.
If thou arriveth speaking in insults, we shall verily receive gossip from your allies.
I only knoweth to be an honest man.
Do not quoth mine words, for I haven't spaketh.
Fark, slashdot, Penny arcade forums, something awful, phpbb, reddit, lobsters, Lemmy, ? Curious to see what comes next in public foruming
Craigslist forums.
I miss how fun Fark was before I became aware of how conservative the mods are. The more of the conservatism I saw, the more I realized the place was not really for normal people and I felt like an intruder. I was so happy to find Reddit.
Also everything being in a single thread often resulted in me giving up on bothering. And the contrast immediately attracted me to Reddit (I think I went from checking Fark daily to just never going back when I discovered Reddit, at least not until the API changes).
Interesting. Because they didn't share your viewes, you felt they weren't "normal" people?
Then you found Reddit, which (at least today) is fairly left wing. And you're happy you found it, because it's filled with people who share your views.
they didn't share your viewes (sic)...
Correct. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, misogyny and other conservative bigotry are not views I share with conservatives, so I felt it would be best to find another place.
you felt they weren't "normal" people?
Correct. I do not consider harmful conservative ideologies to be consistent with the ideologies one would expect from normal people. Although, I concede that conservatives likely consider their own bigotry to be perfectly normal.
You can find those views literally anywhere online with varying degrees
No offense, but you sound like a typical online conservative who thinks all leftists are commie loving, America hating, flag stopping, socialists vegans.
You obviously hate an entire group of people for some views that are not shared by all. This is dangerous and I would encourage you not to paint with such a broad brush.
Though I realize as I'm typing this you've already convinced yourself you are right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong so this is a futile effort on my part. Safe journey.
Fark got me through working nights back around 2010. I occasionally go back and check it out just for nostalgia.
Edit: replied to the wrong comment
Fark and Slashdot.
Someone on Lemmy had posted the gold spray paint huffing guy the other day... that will never not be funny and sad simultaneously.
Holy shit this image really is a blast from the past. I haven’t seen this dude in probably 15 years.
It's all coming back again... James Traficant... Drew spilled whiskey on the server... [Florida] tag
The photoshop battles were amazing
Veteran of many a caturday
My Fark account is old enough to buy alcohol
I learned about the world trade center attack on Fark. All of the major new sites crashed so people were using it to share information in real time.
I miss how fun fark photoshops and similar threads were. Haven't though about !!!11eleventy111!! I a long time.
I use Fark daily, except for the days that the squirrel with big balls decides to get drunk (servers go down)
You sure type well for someone who can neither see nor hear, Anne.
/ Nothing is obscure on fark
Carol never wore her safety goggles
Yes, but let's keep the good parts. This is a great start.
Do Sports by Brooks models count?
I have an old 1TB hard drive from 2010 that is full of these kinds of memes. Caturday, Ya rly owls, the whole works. I should stop by Fark and see how it's doing.
I summon Bevets!
I had completely forgot about Bevets...
/pulls summons bevets card
I'd rather have PocketNinja.
Seriously it would make my year to read one of those nonsense posts only to scroll up and see who duped me.
Oh boy, when he would get into it with Fark's resident Israel apologist Tatsuma. What a shitshow.
Thread of the week. Much love to everyone. Thanks
I saw a turtle
Never used fark, though it seems I would have got right in. Sad to think of the good times I probably missed out on.
I think his knees are a bit too sharp, subby.
Fucking Caturday
I still browse Fark daily, if that’s what you mean.