It's even crazier than that, duckduckgo Rod of Iron Ministries and Moonies. It's a church started by the son of a massive cult leader after his father died and there was a power struggle in the cult.
Political Weirdos
A community dedicated to the weirdest people involved in politics.
- Focus on weird behaviors and beliefs
- Follow TOS
- Don’t be a jerk
and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father.
Revelation 2:27
Wait, is this the group that does mass weddings of multiple pairs of people in a day, the entire cult is present, and literally everyone is holding an AR of some kind?
Technically it's a different cult! The same insanity; this time with guns! Woo, America!
Damnit, Im getting old, mixing up my gun toting cults...
You can just say "Bing it"
It's also the cult that Shizo Abe had connections to. His assassin's mother gave away the family's wealth to that cult, leading to him going incel before realizing the connections.
I first read rodent of iron and wondered how the Steel Rat got into that...
Bordering awfully close on breaking the law with that ad. If only the US would enforce the law restricting religious organizations from engaging in politics.
Truthfully, it’s bordering on IP infringement. The billboard makes no mention of Trump or the GOP. It’s just a church thinking they’re being clever by making another acronym for MAGA.
Not every church is a secret outpost for Trump. It’s just that most of them fail hilariously when trying to market themselves.
Haha, it's just crazy. I don't even know what to say. I grew up in the church, with parents who were social workers and family counselors. What they did every day was so, so far away from this atrocity. Fucking guns? Was Jesus militant? I mean, I guess he wasn't white either so even the Jesus from my childhood was a whitewashed farce. How did we get from "turn the other cheek" to high capacity assault rifle?
90% sure the “Rod of Iron” church has a lot of naughty oiled buff sinners.
Oh, those are the people that pray with their guns in their hands! I'm honestly surprised no one has accidentally been killed in that place
Their website sure is....something...
The "Training" page had this:
Some past courses include Rod of Iron Patriot classes, marksmanship classes, self defense classes, and home defense classes, among others. The purpose of the Rod of Iron Patriot classes are to equip 2nd Amendment Christians with the tools and training that enable Patriots to grow closer to God while defending America’s founding principles.
Sanest conservatives
I read that as "mini series" the first time and it made way more sense.