Hosting a signal proxy is probably not a big deal if you don't plan to ever travel to countries that have blocked Signal, but I would strongly advise against hosting a Tor exit node as a private individual. Tor is used for criminal activities all the time, and unless you have plausible deniability as an organization (and a good lawyer), it will be blamed on you personally.
Hosting your own services. Preferably at home and on low-power or shared hardware.
Also check out:
maybe i can incorporate a 501c(3) and run it as an NGO, ha! but, seriously, fair point. i have heard both horror stories (SWAT teams bursting in in the middle of the night, etc) and bore-er stories (ran an exit node for 3 years, nothing ever happened). i guess i'm worried, and that worry maybe implies that i should not do it just yet. Signal proxy might be the way to go.
I've skimmed over the blog post briefly - the post itself has nothing, but the link in it to the git repo has a (what appears to me) very straightforward set of instructions.
Text is difficult, I don't mean to be an ass; I don't want to spell it out for anyone, either. Part of magic dies that way :)
Let me know if there's any step you need a hand with.
yes, the instructions are definitely doable - i am just wondering if there are recommended home network hardening steps that one might recommend. honestly, my worry is probably more related to the Tor exit relay. i really want to do one, but i also do not want legal trouble. maybe i'll start with a bridge, sigh. but thank you! no worry about tone, text is tough.
You don’t have to be an exit node to help; Have a look at setting up a Tor Snowflake proxy. I haven’t looked at Signal proxy, but I’ll check out that blog post.
Signal Proxy is fine, and it's helpful for people who live in countries that block Signal. I ran it during Iran revolution. It's only a nginx forward proxy.
Tor exit relay is a big no-no since you may expose yourself to illegal content. But you can run a relay without it being an exit node.
If only the Signal Foundation made it as easy to set up a Signal server and connect Signal clients to it.
Yes. There are a few other chat clients that you can run relays for - Tox, SimpleX, Jabber/XMPP etc, which are worth investigating.
As someone who's had the FBI serve a subpoena their information regarding activity on a non-exit TOR relay, there's no way on this planet I'd ever run an exit node, unless I were independently wealthy and could afford a lawyer to deal with the fallout.
I got lucky that the request went to my employer, who knew who I was (obviously) and that I wasn't doing stupid shit, and it never went further than that, but good lord do I never, ever, want to be of interest to the FBI again, even though literally nothing meaningful happened other than me shitting myself for a few months.