Remember to seed your torrents and tell the mouse to fuck off.
Fuck Subscriptions
Naming and shaming all "recurring spending models" where a one-time fee (or none at all) would be appropriate and logical.
Expect use of strong language.
Follow the basic rules of and common sense, and try to have fun if possible.
No flamewars or attacking other users, unless they're spineless corporate shills.
Note that not all subscriptions are awful. Supporting your favorite ~~camgirl~~ creator or Lemmy server on Patreon is fine. An airbag with subscription is irl Idiocracy-level dystopian bullshit.
New community rule: Shilling for cunty corporations, their subscriptions and other anti-customer practices may result in a 1-day ban. It's so you can think about what it's like when someone can randomly decide what you can and can't use, based on some arbitrary rules. Oh what, you didn't read this fine print? You should read what you're agreeing to.
Some other groovy communities for those who wish to own their products, their data and their life:
Some other useful links:
Louis Rossman's YouTube channel
Look at content hosted at Big Tech without most of the nonsense:
What about the keyboard?
Give it a kiss?
my bum is on your lips
Tell it a bedtime story from 1991 how a tiny little kernel changed the world forever
Seed it as well
Time to download some more Linux ISOs.
How does Linux fix this?
This is a vintage joke that implies all the seeding of pirated torrent's a person is doing are just Linux iso's, i.e. something that is legal to share via p2p means.
Indeed. Like my 100TB collection of Linux ISO's.
You never know when a distro hop is in order!
What’s your favorite Linux iso?
Is it the dragon ball z complete distro?
I'm quite pleased with the Complete Blu-ray remaster of Star Trek: The Next Generation.iso
That’s great! I’m currently using the voyager distro, but in a bout 2 season (fall, winter) I’m going to switch to the tng distro for about 7 seasons.
Is it weird that I track time by seasons and not months or years?
It doesn't. Linux doesn't fix anything...
Burn the heretic!
(Not really I’m just tryin’ to make a funny.)
Username checks out!
It's funny, when they announced their third price increase in as many months, it was the final motivation i needed to set up a NAS and Jellyfin. And because i have terabytes of storage, I downloaded the entire catalogue… of Linux distros. And I continue to seed them
This was our last streaming service we were hanging on to now we will move forward without watching any TV and I'm OK with that. These last few years are really forcing us to be a little healthier. Can't afford junk food, fast food, and now TV. It sucks but I refuse to he dragged down by the constant barrage of bad news.
Does anyone have a dead simple tutorial/webpage to setup jellyfin? I always assume it needs a dedicated NAS and I'm not going to do that. I have spare laptops. A laptop is more than sufficient
Can someone show me a simple way to share an external drive to Jellyfin in Ubuntu? It’s the last part I’m missing from my setup
What do you mean by external drive in this case? USB? NAS? What have you tried already?
USB formatted to FAT32
The file path will not work in Jellyfin.
I’ve tried using the terminal to set a mount point that Jellyfin can use. Apparently the problem is that Jellyfin runs as its own user and so can’t see USB drives that my account connects.
…or something…? I’ve been trying off-and-on for months. I’m only a dabbler in Linux; getting this set up with an old laptop is my attempt to learn.
I’m so confused please help.
Thank you! I’m at work now but will look in to this later :)
Thanks for the jellyfin link
My Plex server does not care if I share it
Mine screams in pain, but that's just because it's chronically underpowered for multiple streams.
☠️ sail the 7 seas. I'm not giving anything to Amazon.
Did you know that Disney and Amazon are different companies?
They aren't even like owned by the same parents company. They are both the parent company of their particular set of companies.
Woops... I meant Disney. And Amazon, for all that matters lol
Yarr harr matey it happens to us all!
Disney and the rest of the streaming services can fuck off and welcome back piracy with their shenanigans.
Shame they're such greedy dumbasses that continue to kill the golden goose.
Netflix survived, now everyone else will follow
Come hoist the grog with us
We share all our streaming services and so far nothing has happened because we don't use smart televisions but only dumb monitors connected to PC/laptop. They can't figure us out. I don't think I will ever use a tv again, first because we do not watch live tv anymore, second because smart TVs spy on us and on top try to put ads on and other shite. A mini PC in the living room looks cute, can play anything including local data and they can't tell if accounts are shared.
Mickey is cute, but don't let that trick you, he'll slit your throat for a penny.