That's actually more common than you think. It's not explicit.
My niece who works at a very popular coffee shop where some are unioned, the non-union ones get paid a bit extra and reminded on the daily about that benefit of higher pay for being non-unioned.
And my aunt works as a receptionist in a non-union hospital. Her counterparts in a union, when they went on strike and got a huge pay bump... She suddenly "mysteriously" got a pay bump aligned with it because the non-union hospital was afraid of employees unionizing (which secretly, they were).
The same day he was arrested, Eichorn was one of four Republican state senators to co-author legislation deeming "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a mental illness.
NGL I keep forgetting NextCloud has collaboration tools.
Not sure what this is about
Who is we? The only person who is throwing butthurt comments is you
Oh, did he actually do it?
Because last I checked, he's a suspect and there's no guilty verdict.
So if anything, this is just a innocent until proven guilty guy.
What did he say that was inciting terrorism?
Remember when Russia had all those cyber attacks and suddenly, a huge chunk of Reddit stopped spewing hate?
(us giving energy to Anonymous)
That's a pretty good idea. Musk is a fan of Roman history. Do a Decimation Elon! Fire every 10th developer! That'll bring the system back up!
I understand what they're saying.
Like, I hate Blockchain and NFTs. But both are just souless technologies in their own right.