Holy shit 2006 kids are adults now.
Wow. Ehhhm congrats I guess.
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Holy shit 2006 kids are adults now.
Wow. Ehhhm congrats I guess.
Yeah. That was my first thought. I guess it happens when we get old.
was it a surprise or did they want another kid?
Major surprise. Weren’t trying at all, but weren’t taking protective measures either.
Does it technically count as not trying if you're pumping fat loads into someone who isn't on birth control? Sounds like trying to me, honestly.
how do you feel about it?
I was very surprised at first and a bit weirded out to be completely honest. But now I’m happy and excited. I became even closer with my mom during this time. I take extra good care of mom and dad is taking extra good care of both of us. ~~
Well hey, you'll get some great experience with babies, which future partners will LOVE. Sounds like you've got a lovely family, I think you'll find a lot of joy from him :) babies really are a treasure, you'll be surprised how quickly you fall in love.
Underrated comment.
that's lovely!
No offense in any way, but just curious on the age of your parents.
Great for them though. Wish them the best.
None taken. 42 mom & 47 dad.
Nice, still a good age for children.
What's it like hanging out online with people who are mostly your parents' ages? 🤣
Online we are all the same age. ~~
Where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI.
Stay away from adults, you’re just a kid. It’s exploitive and ask why are they hanging out with kids (read as under 25) instead of people their own age
My brother and I were 20 years apart. He was in the military, stationed overseas, when I was born and didn’t come home until I was 4 years old. He had his own apartment and came over for dinner on the weekends. I was a confused kid for the first couple of months. Who’s this guy eating with us every weekend? My brother? What?
We didn’t have any sort of relationship until I was in my 30s. I was shy and introverted child and he didn’t make much of an effort to interact with me. We eventually bonded over chats about raising children (his children are about 20 years older than mine) and investing.
Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago. RIP, bro. It took awhile, but we got to be good friends in the end.
Are you trying to make your new sibling an aunt/uncle any time soon?