It can't carry, but it can throw stuff from the ground. Came useful in one side quest.
Other than that, used it few times to pull a lever or such. Nothing terribly handy (sorry, not sorry)
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power. (Website)
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It can't carry, but it can throw stuff from the ground. Came useful in one side quest.
Other than that, used it few times to pull a lever or such. Nothing terribly handy (sorry, not sorry)
Not only have I used it to pull levers, I also got the “kill an enemy with an unarmed strike” achievement by booping an almost dead kobold for 2 hp with it. Imagine having your existence snuffed out by mage hand.
Mage hand + levers in the end of Act 1 was super helpful to prevent one of my party from getting stuck, but aside from that - yeah I'm not sure about the usefulness.
As someone with minimal tabletop RPG experience (only Warhammer not D&D), I'm enjoying the crap out of BG3 but I feel I'm missing out on when to use spells and what spells should be used.
Sure there's a spell to go to a different plane after your attack, but like... should I use the scroll on that? What if I would need it later?
Same position here. After I finished my second playthrough I started a dnd campaign with some of my friends, we're all noobs.
I figured late into BG3 that if you need a scroll, use it. There aren't many spells in the game, odds are it'll drop or be sold by a merchant later. Besides, having less resources makes the game more fun.
A lot of earlier scrolls also don't scale well, so that Melf's Acid Arrow that needed the right moment won't be any better than a typical action sooner than one would think. Definitely use 'em.
Mage hand is the kind of spell that is incredibly useful and dynamic in actual ttrpgs, and incredibly difficult to design around in a video game.
A GM is going to consider the distance and weight limits of the spell, and determine of it makes sense of not. If you stole The One Ring from Frodo, for example, the GM can pivot and make the world react to that.
The video game has to program all possible uses of the spell while also trying to keep a prewritten story on track. If you steal The One Ring from frodo, the game would have to reinvent the plot dynamically, which isn't really possible. The end result is that they have to severely limit the uses of Mage Hand.
Because Mage Hand is so potentially chaotic, it can't be as useful as it would seem. The same would go for the spells Fly and Invisibility. Imagine the Black Gate of Mordor. If there was a level 6 wizard, they could use fly + invisibility to get everyone safely over the wall. Now, sure, it would take a while waiting for spell slots, but this is supposed to be the most fortified pass in the entire world. Even GMs have problems with this. Suddenly every remotely secure area needs a mage on staff detecting intruders, or permanent enchantments. At that point, Fly might as well not exist.
Edit: I forgot that fly and invisibility both require concentration. Oops. Still, now you only need a level 6 mage and a level 4 mage, which is still pretty easy to pull off.
Fly and invisibility both take concentration :p
I somewhat disagree with you overall, because almost all magic have countermeasures. Invisibility for example is good to bypass humanoid, but you still need to be stealthy, because creatures with good ear or smell don't care about seeing you. And the time constraints is the biggest limit.
Sure, you can use spellslots, but you only have so many of them, and if you take a day to recover them, evil has its plans going forth too. Which city will you sacrifice to Sauron while you sleep to recover your spellslots?
Usually spells are far less potent than people think they are. But it's hard to be accustomed to them to easily prepare or think about all the countermeasures. It's not hard usually though. A dog will do a lot against any kind of infiltration for example. And there are far worse creatures than that.
Another note is that Gandalf is only a tier3 sorcerer. Between lvl11 and 16. And you can see how the character is treated in the story: he has the eye of Sauron on him, unlike the hobbit.
Ironically Larian is doing far better for countermeasures and time pressure than most dm I feel.
For mage hand, it's a programming constraint I feel. Summons don't have inventory you can access, so it's easier to prevent you from stealing with the hand than having players lose items because they pick them with the hand. It's a limitation of the game engine.
You're right that you can come up with pretty good ways to challenge players with certain spells. The problem is that it can be pretty difficult to do on the fly. Assuming the party goes in a direction you haven't really prepped for, they're are a lot of abilities that can make it trivial if you forget about them.
There's a really big, tedious, ongoing discussion on exactly how overrated 5e D&D is and what type of game it wants to be, but it's fair to say the system has a lot of small things that trivialize challenges. Goodberry means you never have to worry about food ever again. Fly means physical distance is not much of a problem. Pass without trace means stealth will almost always work. Leomunds tiny but means sleeping is almost always safe.
All of these examples can be fixed. Goblins can stack a bunch of rocks on leomunds hut for example. The problem is that it gets repetitive and forced to counter everything all the time.
I agree though that the developers have done a really good job trying to handle all the complexity of turning a tabletop RPG into a video game.
Ok, second part is to take a step back, and instead of trying to counter the players, just make the world a living one. Have the enemies be smart. Think in terms of factions and resources instead of individuals and encounters.
Even the wildest monsters can be smart predators, not because they're smart, but because they're predators.
Another question you're bringing is wilderness survival. With this, you're trying to make dnd 5e something it absolutely isn't: a survival game. Survival in dnd is abstract and easy up to lvl5. After that, it's not supposed to be a difficult, which is why you have spells like create food and water.
But these spells are not free. A party with this spell and leomund's tiny hut means two spellcasters are down one spell when the day begin. At level5 that means only 1 of the important lvl3 spells. And if they can't cast it, they can't rest, because I doubt they will have provisions and camp if they rely on this. And if they don't have comfortable enough rest or no ration, they can't benefit from a long rest.
Time is usually the resource you need to constrain. For each day that passes, the vilain should have something going. This way the players will have to manage their rest properly.
Back to the resources of the enemies. A big mistake many seem to do is to give the monopoly of magic to the players. But it is ridiculous to do it. Enemies should have available magic one way or another. No an infinite supply of it, but they would have some. How many sorcerers, warlocks and clerics in a colony of goblins? Certainly quite some. Below lvl5 is apprentice level. Lvl5 to 9 is expert level. You can have a bunch of apprentices and a handful of experts in a colony. And then dispel magic, counterspell and everything is also available to you, the dm.
Before tier3, you have easy solutions for each and any trick a spellcaster can come up with. If they use their spells for utility, they will very quickly run out of them, and they won't have them for combat.
Usually people who prefer PF2 will have a bias against 5e balance. It's a bias because both games have different philosophies about it. It's perfectly valid to hate one and love the other, or the opposite. PF2 is more about the encounter and the tactic. 5e is more about strategy and finding ways around the obstacles.
Drop items like healing potions, bombs, etc. with one of your characters. Then use mage hand to throw it by right clicking the dropped items. It's like having a cheap (but weak) bonus healer shaped like a floating hand
Neat idea, never thought of that
I used it to
We tried to use it to steal the idol from Sylvanus and they still attacked us. Not sure what we did wrong
I just cast from top of the elevator by the tree. Fly the hand so it is on the idol. Throw idol down the hill. Pick up if out of site. Throw again if necessary.
I’ve only ever seen people write about using it in combat to knock enemies prone, otherwise, it’s oddly non-utilitarian for a spell I’ve almost always considered to be a utility spell.
You can also shove sleeping or downed companions?
I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but I totally use mage hand to throw an NPCs backpack they couldn't reach to them. Saved me having to try and tiptoe through a bunch of environmental hazards.
In actual DnD I've used it to pull people's pants down twice, once to break concentration and also to start a barroom brawl.
I've also used it to sneak in and tie people's shoe laces together, causing them to trip and go prone when we rushed them into combat.
Most useful cantrip ever.
How do you lace shoes with only one hand?
Very carefully. But it's not like you're really tying your shoes, so it ain't gotta be great, just good enough to make the mob trip.
I used it a whole 2 times in my entire playthrough. Once to get a certain book from it's trapped pressure plate by throwing it, another to help a certain dwarf from his predicament. The biggest thing that stops me from experimenting more with it is it's limitation to once per short rest and only being present for 10 turns. I get that it's for combat balancing purposes but it does make me just never bother summoning it. Wish they removed that limitation, gave it more utility uses and just completely disabled it's combat abilities instead.
Once per short rest makes no sense to me. It's a cantrip. Why not just let it be a cantrip?
Once to get a certain book from it’s trapped pressure plate by throwing it
Okay, how do you do that without destroying the book? I've tried throwing it on the ground, which gave it 1 damage and poofed it out of existence. I tried throwing it at a character in the hopes that they would catch it, but it just damaged them and also destroyed the book.
I just threw it on the ground, it never took damage for me (I did it yesterday in fact on my new character and it worked fine). I do throw it only so far as to not be in the trap's range, so it might be that you are chucking it too far?
I keep the permanent one summoned forever. Nice to have them around when the enemy is at 1hp. I also use it to reposition enemies to avoid needing to use Disengage
There's also an achievement for killing someone with it
How do you get a permanent one?
Looks like Arcane Trickster for Rogue has a permanent one.
TFW rogue makes a better utility wizard than the wizard
I'm not sure, maybe it's a rogue spec thing? I had Lae'zel in my first run and hers only lasted 10 turns but Astarion's is permanent.
These are what I used the mage hand for
It can punch mages to potentially break their concentration
On my first playthrough I found exactly one lever I couldn't reach. After that I removed it from the hotbar.
You can simply shoot an arrow at levers too.
Not this one...
I used it to activate the levers to make the bridge way above the grymforge work. It's good for that I guess. Also to give me something to punch stupid undead that come back with 1 health or someone with death ward.
Read Mage Hand's 5e rules again. I'm convinced the only reason Mage Hand is so "useful" at the table is because of DM fiat on things it shouldn't be able to do or non-functional utility that has no analogue in a hard-coded game. There's no mechanic for pulling a shirt over someone's head or pulling their pants down.
I'm not even sure they're allowed to make checks or force saves.
I did read them. If you think the game follows them then tell me why it's unable to pick up a small gem and carry it to me? It's less than 10lbs and requires no fine-grained control.
I also fail to grasp the utility of this spell.
maybe you should give it another shake
As said, put stuff on the ground and the mage hand can throw them. Potions and grenades are especially handy.
I once used it to throw an unreachable chest into a chaam out of spite...
MH can only throw items that are on the ground.
If you drop some items on the ground from your inventory, MH can throw them without it requiring your action.
Thrown healing potions can revive/heal teammates.
Water bottles will make enemies vulnerable to lightning/frost spells/arrows.
A lit candle can be moved to stay close to anyone needing to dip.
I used it to press the button to save Mayrina. That's about the only thing that it was really useful for in that whole playthrough, though.