I credit Stargate with many things.
A clear moral boundary is not among them.
Chevron 7
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I credit Stargate with many things.
A clear moral boundary is not among them.
i loved Atlantis otherwise and wish we got that last season but i really hated this arc. it seemed wildly out of character for everyone that no one was really bothered by the ethics of this, aside from Ronin whose concerns were more pragmatic than moral. whenever Michael showed up after this i kinda shrugged- yeah, i'd be pissed off too! i guess they were trying to go for a DS9-style desperate times call for desperate measures thing but for me it just didn't work
Even now, a lot of Geneva Convention rules show their age. They were written when bombs could miss their targets by miles, but now the average bomb can guarantee delivery within 10 meters.
The Geneva Convention definitely didn't cover mutated humans who could be turned back, they were written with preventing crazy Nazi shit in mind.
Well they were "curing" Michael so is all good
Yeah, nothing a bit of racial conversion therapy can't fix
And we are just going to gloss over the Kavanagh near miss in Critical Mass?
He showed all of the signs of being an impostor that Caldwell didn't. He kept taunting Weir instead of answering her questions and misleading the investigation when Atlantis was about to blow up because he had a bruised ego. He had it coming.
Good thing he got a quiet Job at Midway after that
Clearly the Geneva Convention or basic human rights don't apply on another planet, let alone another galaxy. At least that's what l learned from playing Rimworld.
Weir plays fast and loose with the rules. Just like Kirk.
Janeway: That's cute.