the skytrain line to Vancouver is amazing. They charge you a couple bucks more, but its such a saving!
News, events, discussions, and what not from Ottawa, Ontario.
Municipal website:
- Be polite and respectful.
- Please only post content relevant to the City of Ottawa or to its residents.
Ottawa on the Fediverse:
Ottawa chatrooms:
XMPP: empty
Please note the following:
* All chatrooms are linked together. If you join one room your messages will be copied to the other platforms.
* Matrix is an open source and potentially distributed chat protocol. The matrix room listed is hosted on, a somewhat centralized hub for a lot of currently public rooms. Though the protocol itself is free, libre and open source, the deployment of the protocol resembles a centralized service. This may be fixed in the future with the deployment of independent servers.
* Be aware that both Telegram and Discord are centralized proprietary platforms and do not necessarily protect your rights nor privacy while simultaneously giving power to corporations.
From CBC headquarters to airport stop:
- Line 1-2-4: 57 mins, $4.05
- Line 1+Hurdman to Airport Bus: 39min,$4.05 (bus will be only going to South keys after April).
- Uber: 25 mins, $33+tip.
Well that's a little disappointing. I wonder if it's because the trains are going slower than the initially planned?
It's due to the single track beyond South Keys.
Rode it last week. Train to South Keys? Love it! Not a train head, but the seats are comfy, like the interior design, doesn't kinda smell like pee, etc.
Train to the Airport? Fine, but isn't it just the old North South train? Do like that EY Centre is one of the stops, though - I use transit exclusively, last time I took a bus to an event there was a giant pain in the ass.
They didn't mention the fact that the platforms do not have roofs that cover them so it rains and snows in them. That's the most infuriating part.
They even have a shot of the road salt. We deserve better trains.