Zero Mission and Fusion are top tier GBA games! Absolutely love them
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Yeah, many GBA games aged quite well.
first time and 10 Hours? Thats neat, now get it sub 2 Hours :)
I really took my time didn't I?
I loved to back track on my own (when I was not lost).
I recently made the mistake of buying a Metroid game on a platform that lacked save/rewind. I have no idea what I was thinking.
I'm sure I'll finish it someday on an emulator.
I've beaten most of the older Pokemon games, DS and 3DS included, all on the SteamDeck.
I put ~40 hours into Pokemon Unbound (FANTASTIC Pokemon game, I highly recommend it!!!), and beaten it. I've also recently gotten the Pokemon Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus rom hack downloaded, and will play through that once I finish the other mainline games. I might make a pitstop into Pokemon Emerald Seaglass, as I just ADORE the art style of that game.
DefJam Fight for NY, King's Field 4, Custom Robo, Legend of Zelda Minish Cap, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda Oracle Series. All of them beaten on the SteamDeck, with achievements from RetroAchivements!
I have never been as happy as I am with the SteamDeck. Fantastic retro gaming device! :)
This is so nice, ngl, I crave for a Steam Deck (they don't officially sell it in Mexico... We are so far from the USA right?) but I want it to get working with my old PC games backlog, indies, and well emulation.
I don't see myself emulating older systems with it though, I feel it is too big and I'd rather save that power for a tinier handheld, but yeah, if you have one Steam Deck, you objectively don't need anything else.
How are you playing Nintendo games on a steam deck?
Emulators that were installed through Emudeck!
I appreciate you telling me about Pokemon unbound
I got a modded gameboy advance that I'd love to get this going on
It's the game that I wished GameFreak would make. It's got it's.. silly story moments, but isn't that just a Pokemon staple at this point?
The mechanics were what really impressed me the most. Everything that I loved about Pokemon, all wrapped up in a very well done manner. I'm excited for you to give it a try!
Also, there is Pokemon Brown (older style than Unbound, but supposedly very very good), Pokemon Uranium (more of the type of hack that I normally wouldn't play since it includes Fakemon, but Nintendo went after it at one point, so I downloaded it as soon as I could!), and Pokemon Insurgence (I believe Nintendo went after this one too, but I might be wrong!).
There is also a community project that lists whatever they run across. I don't remember it right now either, but it might be on the PokeCommunity website. :)
"Hasta la proxima mission!"
Si mi amor! 🤣
Awesome! My first was Samus Returns on 3DS and I heard it isn’t the best to start with. I’ll try this one!
Why isn't the best one?
I didn’t play the others to say it for myself. People have said exploration is more organic on the other games of the series.
I liked the gameplay but I disliked the mechanic of having to beat an arbitrary amount of bosses to unlock the next area.
Nice! Yeah I did a couple of runs on pokemon and some mods too. Fun times.
Learn from my childhood with trying to 100% Metroid Fusion.
There's an item in a section of the world that explodes on a timer, and you can't return to collect it later so you end up stuck with a 99% complete file. ☹️
What the hell?
No save point before the end!?
Thankfully we have save states nowadays 😃
I didn't know I had missed it until I had already saved past that point