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God damn. That is some serious dedication to his beliefs.
I hadn't realized he was only 25.
A Secret Service officer approached the scene, aimed a gun at Bushnell off-camera, and ordered him to "get on the ground" multiple times while a police officer yelled: "I don't need guns, I need fire extinguishers!"
That's about right. Someone set themself on fire so let me draw my gun and order him around.
I'm just surprised it was a cop saying they didn't need guns...
He was white
Shortly before the Biden Terror Pier in Gaza was announced, which would go on to provide zero aid to Palestinians despite docking in Gaza for 6 months, and helped facilitate the murder of 200 Palestinian civilians in the Nusseirat Massacre.
He was likely aware of preparation for the operation, which drove him to this protest. God rest his soul.
poster by @krime_1 on Instagram. I have a print on my wall to remember him every single day. If even a slither of his courage lives on with me I will die a lion ❤️
205 karma sock posting anti israeli shit, right off the bat. not suspicious at all huh. by felicia.
My old profile on was created 2 years ago, after went offline I made a account then made one on this MBin instance.
It's very difficult to not post anti Israeli stuff if your posts are related to the middle east, or if you have a shred of empathy.
Lol fuck Netanyahu. Don't be a blowhard.
Fuck the state of Israel, fuck its propaganda machine, fuck the genocide, fuck netanyahu. I feel for the citizens of Israel who are against the war and have little power to stop it.
LOL, you do realize that suggesting it's "anti-Israeli" to oppose genocide is itself incredibly "anti-Israeli" right?
Go ahead post some pro-genocide/Israeli stuff around lemmy see where it gets ya
It's very tragic that he took his own life. By staying alive, he had the potential to turn his life around and do a lot of good around him. This act should really be discouraged. He shouldn't have ruined himself, and on top of that given the Zionist scum something to gloat over.