It functioned for decades as a CIA propaganda front. Its purpose, like radio free Asia was to spread American hegemony, lie about labor friendly government, and manufacture political discontent. Its death is a net good to us all. I would prefer if european countries didn't waste their tax dollars on anticommunism
We're never getting highspeed rail
God I hope they don't, what a waste of the people's money
Is that a muppetjoker post?
Because political systems are not purely ideological. They are derived from a material (economic) basis and must satisfy existing relations to production or change them. In our case the two primary relations to production are those who own the means of production and those who produce. Under the economic base of capitalist production there are multitudes of political superstructures but you will be most familiar with the liberal democracy. This form of political structure provides some extra freedoms and luxury to its domestic working class but is only able to do so while maintaining the infinitely expanding profits demanded by capitalist production by exploiting a foreign working class for cheap labor. When the cyclical crises of capitalism eventually places an insurmountable strain on the liberal democratic political superstructure which can no longer hide or balance the class contradictions at its base you get one of two things. Communism or fascism. In the case of fascism it is essentially the owning class going all in, exploiting a foreign working class stops being enough so their imperialism turns inward on their own working class. Since they cannot increase oppression on every worker without inciting revolution they pit one section of the working class against another often along ethnic lines but who is pit against who is arbitrary. An out-group is intentionally created and alienated so that the owning class can maintain economic power. In the case of communism/socialism it is basically the workers taking full control of the economy and political superstructure because the capitalist class failed to maintain it. There is also anarchism but I am not well read enough to speak on it too much.
In short, western liberal democracies have essentially only two classes and the economic contradictions that the state exists to mitigate originate from a conflict of interest between these classes. If we are to be frank there is only the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the dictatorship of the proletariet, and classless society.
I hope this isn't too much of a ramble lol, my partner was watching tiktok so I was a tad distracted.
Made a steam family with my friends so atleast someone can enjoy my library
My girlfriends car got totalled by hail last night and my windshield is fucked. Woke up to what sounded like Armageddon at 3 am
I don't think most of us are here seeking "maximum engagement" yk? I'm quite comfortable just getting a comment or two on a post and having long conversations (or arguments lol) in comment sections. The community of lemmy is really nice and I don't want it polluted by people who use it in the highly impersonal way people use reddit.
I was stuck in an airport for the full eclipse without a view of the moon 🥲
While threatening their colony?
Honestly, democracy is incomplete without economic democracy. You could have a million political parties but it wouldn't matter because all of them would still support the supremacy of the bourgeosie. Those with actual power, the business owners who control all of our material resources, would not allow them to exist otherwise. We never had democracy but this is only just now becoming apparent to the general populace because the fascists have made themselves obvious and the liberals have only enabled them.