Bro, WTF?! I don't know what to say, this episode is just crazy
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I don't know what to say
I lied
There's a lot to unpack in this episode. There's one singular theme, though: everyone is on the verge of breaking down because of their exes.
Starting with Uika, who has been on the back burner for the last couple of episodes. Thanks to Soyo posting on CRYCHIC's account, Uika pried into CRYCHIC through Anon. She didn't seem too happy learning that CRYCHIC is going back together. On top of that, she learnt Ave Mujica was formed as a rebound from CRYCHIC. Her fantasy of being together with Sakiko had now been shattered. She'd do anything to form Ave Mujica back together. She even thought of throwing Mutsumi in anger.
Sakiko is still filled with guilt of breaking Mutsumi after forming Ave Mujica. She was determined to fulfill her wish to bring back CRYCHIC together, even after having her resolve in episode 7. She wasn't really keen on getting back together either, but her guilt is what fueled her to grant Mutsumi's wish of getting CRYCHIC.
CRYCHIC being back together meant death for Mortis. Kinda ironic that her character role was one who not fear death, and she was determined to bring Ave Mujica back to prevent her from dying. Because Ave Mujica was disbanded because of her inability to play a guitar, she had been honing her guitar skills, thanks to Umiri. While Mutsumi is still unhealthily attached to CRYCHIC, because the Mutsumi-chan we knew only exists for the sake of CRYCHIC. In the end, Mortis accidentally "killed" Mutsumi and now pretending to be Mutsumi in order to bring Ave Mujica back.
Umiri's case was a little unique, she shouldn't have that much attachment with Ave Mujica. When Ave Mujica disbanded, she was shown to be unaffected. Her resolve was only started after watching CRYCHIC performing together. Either because of jealousy since she couldn't connect with her other band unlike them or Taki's comment or it was her impulsive behavior that we explore last episode (her buying beauty product and her only drinking protein shakes as sustenance). She is seen as someone untrustworthy by Taki and Nyamu. To gain back that trust, she even had to quit her 50 other bands. Funny that Umiri only started acting up after Taki commented on her both being emotionally distant from Ave Mujica and untrustworthy (I'm definitely not biased with my UmiTaki goggles).
Umiri also parallels Soyo from last season. Both are bass player trying to bring back their former band member after listening to Haruhikage on episode 7.
Nyamu, on the other hand, didn't crash that badly. She was still haunted by Mutsumi's acting and had a hard time auditioning. Umiri also kept bothering her to join Ave Mujica despite her having no interest. Same with Umiri, she didn't have much attachment to Ave Mujica, so she has no reason to join back. Thanks to that, she is the only sane person to stop Ave Mujica and criticize how stupid they looked.
Gotta give it to the OST in this episode. They enhance an already stressful scene with an anxiety-inducing OST like a ticking time bomb. This was the most intense episode of Ave Mujica yet, and we will probably see the climax next episode! (same with It's MyGO!!!!!)
Yes, Raana, they are a bunch of interesting girls.
Awesome episode!