Use it to hide a spare TV remote!
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
Lol then 6 months later you forget you added the secret compartment and now you lost both remotes!
It's a bucket list thing. I've wanted to build a piece of furniture with a hidden compartment since I was a kid.
How will the stops for the secret compartment work? Where will you access them to open it?
I've got these little swivels that are designed to hold glass in a cabinet door. They need a little bit of reshaping but then i'll just attach them to the side rails under the drawer so you reach underneath and swivel them backwards. It won't be a hard latch; if you pulled hard enough they'll swing back and let the drawer come out, but I figure that will prevent breakage.
Nice! Thanks for explaining the plan.
As did I, my nightstands are close, but not secret enough.
Put a knife in there.