illegal immigrant
In Person Activism
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Drug-addicted illegal immigrant - from Africa, no less.
yeah, it turns out the hyper-breeder anchor baby southern hemisphere first-language-not-english with a dumb incomprehensible accent immigrant who takes your job and destroys the country is in fact a real guy. and as usual, it's the fucker who was shouting this fascist garbage the loudest.
also doing lots of treason.
Good god, that font. I can't figure out which part of the sign is uglier. Looks like Elon also stole about half of those Ts.
No. Diving into and using fascist and racist rhetoric against them should not be a thing, it just reinforces it.
Instead show what they are actually doing that is wrong.
In normal circumstances, I would agree wholeheartedly. Right now, it seems that we may need to speak their language to put any kind of dent in the ideology.
This is unique because it might actually get some people to understand how absolutely fucking stupid their logic actually is. However, we also know that many people simply won't realize that they are now forced to believe two conflicting ideas simultaneously.
He isn't just an immigrant, after all. He is an African American. When racists are confronted with that bit of information, it should trigger an implosion of neurons so massive it forms a singularity. Unfortunately, said neurons need to exist in the first place.
My point is not actually about this particular billboard or how it may be racist or fascist. It's more about how do we smack some people hard enough to snap them out of their delusional thinking. It's going to take something very extreme to break years of brainwashing.
That won't work to do what you want though, it'll just make them double down because it still places the onus on immigrants being the problem. There are better ways of showing them their logic is flawed.
You are correct, of course.
One-on-one interaction is something that can work effectively in many cases, but unfortunately, the water supply is poisoned. When people are actively seeking out content that validates their bias (confirmation bias on amphetamines, basically.) they will revert to previous state fairly quick.
I can think of several bulk solutions, many of which would put me on a watch list or two. Ideally, we need to find a bigger and better source for dopamine shots that doesn't thrive on confirmation bias and gives negative feedback on anti-social behavior.
Can you tell I am just frustrated?
Wait lazy immigrants who dont contribute to the economy in any helpful way while taking your job do exist! What the hell thats a combination thats quite illogical but somehow still possible.
also super rapey!