How are you using each channel? Is there an internal DIP to flip the order?
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The Hot Tube side is good to give the guitar a boost and a fuller sound, like tubes that are starting to break up. The Crayon is an overdrive with nice textures. It plays really well with my Stoy Fuzzmaster (a big muff style pedal). Combined, it somewhat moves into distortion territory. The bottom row of the knobs makes it really versatile. With the blend knob turned back, it's a great way to add some hair to your sound without compromising on clarity. I used the settings shown in the picture to add an extra gain stage to the Dark Terror and it sounds divine. I can go from cleanish to high gain with 4 different sounds. I was glad to have a noise gate though. I opened it up, but there's no micro switch. Sadly, also no Easter egg text, for those interested.
Awesome. The EHX page for it links clips for both Tubes boosting Crayon and Crayon boosting Tubes, but then later down the page it only lists the Crayon driving the Tubes. Looks like the manual also says it's Crayon into Tubes.
Indeed, although I'm not sure how much added value it would have, since I think the Crayon overdrive would flatten out the broken up tube sound of the Hot Tubes. Nevertheless, it's still an awesome pedal