If they do it, do it exactly as written. The 'television colored sky' is grey and the spaceship pilot has never heard of a computer virus. Wallet sized VCRs, baby! That's the future I want to see!!
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Why did it have to be Apple tv?
Apple TV have pretty good success with tv shows
And to their credit, they usually see them through to the end – unlike Netflix
Ask Jon Stewart
That's not an adaptation and worked out better for everyone in the end.
yeah.. like they did with the adaptation of Foundation (/sarcasm... they royally screwed over Asimov)
Severance, Silo, For All Mankind, Dark Matter
To be sure, Foundation was very different - but it absolutely had (has) some good invented parts (Such as the Cleons)
Yeah, Apple TV is almost a must have for Sci-Fi fans. I loved the adaption of Big Door Prize. That did get canceled early and that was a major bummer.
Didn’t know if the adaptation until now, but of all the streaming services at the moment I would have probably bet this were on Apple and that it’ll likely be a good thing for the adaptation.