Label made in Canada
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Container made in Canada.
There already are some frozen meals with:
^container^ ^made^ ^with^
Which means it's cardboard. It was always cardboard.
Ugh, I don't think I've seen those yet! As a vegetarian, that's horrifying :(
Is there a reason why you're vego and not vegan? Cows and chickens are abused horribly in the egg/milk industries.
JAQing off in the comments at the first use of the word "vegetarian" is doing wonders for maintaing the popular conception of vegans
Healthy Choice Power Bowls was the brand.
They have one vegan one, one vegetarian one, and just shy of 20 that contain meat.
Ugh! But honestly, thank you for the information, at least now I know what to avoid!
"Made in Canada" FTFY. Also "what are they gonna do, sue us for lying? LOL"
I was about to buy some asparagus that were labeled as the product of Mexico (hey, protectionism isn't a solitary action). Some employee helpfully left them in the shipping box, which was labeled "Distributed by..." some place in the US of A.
And don't forget:
Owned by a Canadian Family!
... who sold out to a USA company years ago.
obviously fake. not in english and french.