It is plainly fuckin stupid. But it is the republican way.
I think a lot of the people who don't "favor republican politics" have a solid understanding of that platform and see the harm it causes.
Like actual harm.
My mom was laid off over 10 years ago by the decision of a republican governor. The ability for schools to feed poor kids was more or less cut off (i was one of those poor kids. They scaled back 21st century & state SNAP; thankfully my parents were able to achieve upward economic mobility before conservatives in indiana really squashed that.)
Mitch Daniel's claim to fame before Purdue was closing an orphanage. Thanks to economic uncertainty surrounding conservative leadership it is likely Purdue's semiconductor manufacturing facility will not take off.
Mike Pence helped to make sure more cases of AIDS would develop in his state.
This place isn't an echo chamber because "orange man bad" or "mike braun stole my elephant ear at the state fair" but because many of us critically analyze the impact of conservative policy and understand the harm it causes.
I'll be less biased against the conservative cause when they stop going after personal liberty and slowing down the economy so their favorites can get richer. Mike Braun's leadership is hurting farmers and decreasing Indiana's ability to make sure industrial waste doesn't end up in the water table.
I'm sure there's more they are making suck but i was only involved at Purdue for the last decade, and family is in DNR - at least for now.
I wanna empathize more with the conservative struggle but i don't see how any aspect of life is improved by forcing us all to be a certain religion while ensuring we put women and minorities back at a disadvantage.
Idk Indiana republicans suck. The progressives in indiana worked hard to make sure i could afford to pay taxes but i get the gist the republicans would never have liked me given I was on welfare growing up.