Im no more inyalowda, sassake?
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It's getting better at fingers, but goodgawdamn, that's a long left thumb. 🙃
I don't know about the rest, but the fingers don't really look wrong at all. Just tried it myself and thumb looks the same.
If that watch is based on the Casio Vintage LA680WE (33.5 x 28.6 x 8.6 mm), that left thumb's first knuckle is >2x longer than its length, making it >2.6 in long and therefore ~2.6x longer than normal on a cishet, white male in his 20s-30s like the one simulated above... 🤢😅
ah yes, the "cishet" thumb, famously distinct and identifiable
Apologies, was attempting clarity.
Why do you assume that the knuckle begins there? It's way more likely to just be the skin between the thumb and the index finger. Again, try it out in a mirror and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I do apologize, but the anatomical math doesn't check out.
If that had been the knuckle, sure. But there is nothing that says there is, it's just an assumption on your part. Yet again, try it yourself with a mirror.
It's like trying to teach maths. 😶
And still you haven't even tried observing your own hands for some reason?
Everyone reading this can look at their own hands, see in a glance their first thumb knuckles aren't 2+ inches long and immediately know you're taking the piss. Next.
But why on earth do you keep assuming that the knuckle is that far down on the hand?? I keep telling you, look in a mirror. It's just the skin between the two fingers you see there, the knuckle starts further up. It's really not hard to try and see man.
He should play the piano or something.
And I thought my childhood piano trauma was unique, 😶
Should take up hitchhiking.
Worked great for Uma Thurman.
I guess I'm old. The reference is stale.
Both are true and not dissimilar.
I remember an article back in the 90s where the author said somebody dropped a source code printout of a C compiler on his desk and it was like 4 inches thick, and he compared that to late 80's Turbo Pascal, a compiler and full IDE that took up 32k.
Did the source code printout have an annoying space accent, or... ?
Apparently I put that in the wrong thread lol.
Don't change a word.
I've been playing the video game Astronaut The Best, and the astronauts can have various accents. Including ones the game calls 'stupid'. Your can also set the whole thing in the equivalent of old English for a challenge!
Ya, shurrre, ya betch ya.
Man I’m a bit of “natural” mimic i guess, I once binge watched a season of Fargo and started talking like that, then I heard myself talking like that, couldn’t get my normal accent back, so I just was quiet for a few days. There is nothing harder to do than fake your natural accent (Grew up in a county with a lot of people with the Minnesota accent, this probably had something to do with it, although I personally had a Montana accent, and this happened when I lived on the west coast and my accent had been quite nerfed.)
Little known fact: the Boundary Waters are not only a boundary between Minnesota and Canada, but also spaaaaaaaace!
He keeps pronouncing "space" with a lisp and I swear to gawd...
Nah, it's genetic his mother was a star.
angry upvote
An accent? Where am I supposed to find an accent? Out here. In space. At this hour.
I dunno about an accent, but if you go to the right planet, you could talk out of Uranus.