It's just a bad pun man. He's just saying go to school.
A place to post ridiculous posts from
(Full transparency.. a mod for this sub happens to work there.. but that doesn't influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.)
What's the image got to do with it?
He is on some kind of subway/lightrail, presumably on his way to school.
Also, the other two people in the image seem to be about the same age, dressed quite similarly; that could be coincidence, or it could be a school dress code.
Oh... I did not get it at all. I thought he said, watch these dances more frequently and you'll see the beauty in them as well as good performances.
Thank you for clearing this up.
Atten dance
My guess: he's seen lots of cool stuff on public transport while going to work. So if you blow off work, you might miss a busker doing crowd work.
#humblebrag #conformistnonsense #someonepleasedragthiskidtoafunpartyalready
#trend #hashtag #popular
Young people should stop dancing and go to school.