They actually used red tape for that, and this is why burocracy is called red tape, because they had to fill paperwork everytime a code change was needed or reversed.
going to nightclubs as a foreigner in japan: everyone loves you and wants to talk to you
OP was talking about nightclubs, not bars.
Tem que comprimir. Desafortunadamente o espaço no servidor não é de graça pra o Ademir. Acho que ele tem o pix dele na comunidade de meta.
Young people should stop dancing and go to school.
Ah fuck, this happened me with the Chainladder library. Had to modify the source code to change the M to ME.
Remove the tape.
Kk, não eh só uma receita. Cada elemento tem a sua, sorvete de yogourt de leite de cabra, chocolate rosa, almeixas em azeite balsâmico, cremoso de beterraba e não sei que más tem.
Easy, pens, eraser, tape and writing comments on the card
And Claude, off course.
The best is when the version also had the name of an ex employee on it.
At least they were humble and didn't blame it entirely on Cursor... they also blamed Claude.
Isn't a variable, is a parameter for a daterange function.