Gene Parmesan
90s TV
A place to recommend, review, discuss, and geek out over 90s TV shows, mini-series, "made for TV" movies, cartoons, and commercials.
They aren't strict. Just try to keep posts on topic of 90s TV, and of course decade appropriate.
TV Guide
- Saturdays: Saturday Morning Cartoons
Night Court!! Man I haven't seen that show in years but it was hilarous.
IDK, I really liked him as the Principal.
He wasn't bad in the role, but he was definitely more of a foil / straight man / punching bag. Or, at least that's how I'm remembering it, anyway. I just feel bad for having thought, "Wait, he can be funny?!" when I saw him in other roles later.
The Pharmacist he occasionally played in Two and a Half Men was great.
I literally just saw that clip on YouTube.
What do you recommend [for canker sores]?
Tennis shoes.
Perfectly played character. I always wonder how much of it is talent vs personal experience.
You always wonder?
What are you, a cop??
The guys timing is impeccable.