They come for the furries they're gonna find a lot of shit suddenly stops working.
Like the entire 21st century
Science, Technology, and pawbs
They come for the furries they're gonna find a lot of shit suddenly stops working.
Like the entire 21st century
Not a headline I expected to see.
Okay. I think I figured it out. Furry hackers who were part of leaking data from a firm that was behind project 2025. It is them who fear that their leader was raided by feds. Man. What a headline.
What else could it mean?
Furry hackers who leaked project 2025 firms data and fear their leader where raided by the feds.
That is what it means.
They don't fear their leader nor were they raided by the feds.
Thank you for deciphering this for everyone
It's really not that hard
shrugs I was a little confused by the wording, seems like at least some other people were as well. Either way, have a good one!
Furry hackers who leaked (Project 2025 firm)'s data fear [that their] leader [has been] raided by feds
Also, why am I getting "language not allowed" for trying to set my comment to English?
Trump mandated that the language name be changed to Americanese
English was cancelled for no reason lol
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We need more people like this, sticking up for what is right. I'm sad that the FBI is doing the clearly illegal work of the current administration. The think tank should be the one under investigation. We need to find out where they are holding her and make sure they don't get unceremoniously deported to some unnamed prison. I fear for her health and safety. If they ever make it out of holding they deserve a medal for protecting the foundations of our democracy and constitution. I sincerely hope one-day Dump and Ellen are rotting inside one of these "prisons" for treason until the day they die.
Art by Endwl, unavailable at source.
"ya got the wrong furry, man!"