Highly recommend dry herb vaping over combustion, made a diff for me.
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Seriously, I just started with a VMax Pro after 12 years combusting weed, using a water bong most of the time.
Not only does weed last longer vaping, it has a better taste and you don't get intoxicated with the CO2.
Don't get me wrong, I love a blunt or bong, especially with friends around, but daily burning weed is hard on yourself.
Amen. And I just found out it only takes 225 degrees and 45 minutes to activate the THC in weed.
My tinctures have never tasted better.
Yes, yes, alright people. Ordered an Xmax V3 Pro (aka Storm Vaporizer Pen) yesterday evening.
Pro tip right here!
Just curious. Does your condition affect your ability to metabolize edibles?
I've got GI issues and can dunk on edibles all I like.
These edibles ain't shit!
I hate it
Do you mean that the GI issues prevent you from feeling the effects from edibles?
I don't think it absorbs well in my gut, but idk, all I do know it that 500mg does nothing but make me sleepy
As a Crohn's sufferer. Yup... Edibles, Iron, Magnesium, B12, and a host of other stuff, just will not absorb through the GI tract.
But fat, sugar, and salt? No problemo!
Grumble, grumble, fuck this disease, grumble.
I'm not questioning your experience but I've been using most of my life, have Crohn's (actually in remission because my guts have been heavily edited and I have an ostomy), and I've always been a total lightweight when it comes to edibles.
I think there's some other physiological difference that determines this but I'm not an expert.
Apologies, stream of consciousness took over.
Buy the shit you need first, then follow the steps in the order outlined, you won’t be disappointed.
I work from home and can confirm. I don't have any ailments tho
It just became legal in my state, and I've got bad IBS. Does it help?
Personally, a diet change helped me more than pot did, but there were days it eased my symptoms where nothing else would. If you try it, do not become a heavy user as it can fuck up your digestive system.
I really think the biggest benefit is the psychological break from always being sick. I'm 51 and have been living with this since I was a kid. I have an ostomy, spinal and neck fusion, and general arthritis. Sometimes a fella just needs a break, you know? And cannabis can do that. I would also caution against over use. Once a day, small amount is my rule. If I'm getting a tolerance I don't increase. I either cut back, change up what I'm consuming, or appreciate that I get the relaxation benefits without being spaced out.
Highly recommend psyllium husk pills. 5 pills 2x daily does wonders for me.
Although weed might help (though hiighly questionable), tobacco for sure fucks your intestines/stomach up. Dont do it.
Interestingly there have been some studies (I seem to remember one in particular back from 1999) that show nicotine having a positive effect on Ulcerative Colitis. Opposite seems to be true for Crohn’s though.
Although every piece of medical advice I’ve ever heard is to avoid smoking at all, especially tobacco. Dry herb vaping is OK though.
Oh yeah man, that's also my experience. Luckily, tobacco makes me puke immediatly, so that ship has sailed.