f you want to blame anyone for the hospitals being destroyed, blame Hamas for using them as bases.
When the police shoots hostages, I blame the police just as much as the terrorist. That's why I blame Netanjahu and Likud just as much as Hamas.
f you want to blame anyone for the hospitals being destroyed, blame Hamas for using them as bases.
When the police shoots hostages, I blame the police just as much as the terrorist. That's why I blame Netanjahu and Likud just as much as Hamas.
Yeah, I always cite this exact letter to prove this point.
You can’t compare the two.
You can and I do, because Netanjahu and Likud have intentionally supported Hamas and weakened their opponents for decades.
The Times of Israel: For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces
Jason Miller has been dogged
Jokes aside, these horrible people do horrible things even to people just as horrible as them. Because they really just are horrible.
Yeah. It's almost as if Netanjahu and his Likud party are just as cruel as Hamas. A leftist Israeli government would've led a completely different operation, one that's not targeting civilians and instead focusses on actually solving the problem at hand.
But right wing extremists don't care about human suffering, they actually endorse it. The cruelty is the point.
Politicians don't need to understand science, they simply have to trust scientists. That's their job.
When politicians don't do that, you gotta fire them. And only the voters can - but the voters refuse to do their job.
I wonder what CEO incomes were in this case. My guess: Still only about 10x more than the average workers wage (as it used to be during the 50's to 70's).
Was never a smoker as a teen and therefore never thought about inhaling a burned plant. Turned 35 and thought "huh, I never was high. I should experience this at least once!".
I experienced it, all right. For about 4 hours, which felt like 3 days.
Is there's a provision preventing someone from running from president just because they are old or ill?
The guy who can't stand it when somebody says no to him, spending s night in jail? He'd absolutely blow up
I got stopped by a cop because I "matched the description"
Is your skin color anything other than eggshell white, perhaps?
It'd be
a) a waste of THC
b) non-consensual exposure to THC
both are bad.