
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

It'd be

a) a waste of THC

b) non-consensual exposure to THC

both are bad.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (4 children)

f you want to blame anyone for the hospitals being destroyed, blame Hamas for using them as bases.

When the police shoots hostages, I blame the police just as much as the terrorist. That's why I blame Netanjahu and Likud just as much as Hamas.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I always cite this exact letter to prove this point.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

You can’t compare the two.

You can and I do, because Netanjahu and Likud have intentionally supported Hamas and weakened their opponents for decades.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

Jason Miller has been dogged


Jokes aside, these horrible people do horrible things even to people just as horrible as them. Because they really just are horrible.

[–] [email protected] 39 points 1 year ago (18 children)

Yeah. It's almost as if Netanjahu and his Likud party are just as cruel as Hamas. A leftist Israeli government would've led a completely different operation, one that's not targeting civilians and instead focusses on actually solving the problem at hand.

But right wing extremists don't care about human suffering, they actually endorse it. The cruelty is the point.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Politicians don't need to understand science, they simply have to trust scientists. That's their job.

When politicians don't do that, you gotta fire them. And only the voters can - but the voters refuse to do their job.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

I wonder what CEO incomes were in this case. My guess: Still only about 10x more than the average workers wage (as it used to be during the 50's to 70's).

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Was never a smoker as a teen and therefore never thought about inhaling a burned plant. Turned 35 and thought "huh, I never was high. I should experience this at least once!".

I experienced it, all right. For about 4 hours, which felt like 3 days.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Is there's a provision preventing someone from running from president just because they are old or ill?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The guy who can't stand it when somebody says no to him, spending s night in jail? He'd absolutely blow up

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago

I got stopped by a cop because I "matched the description"

Is your skin color anything other than eggshell white, perhaps?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Because you literally feel like that. It feels like you went up one level, and now everything tastes better and looks better and is funnier. You suddenly understand so much more, you are even smarter (if you weren't so damn slow at the same time). No joke is too complex for you.

And you feel like everybody who is high at the same time is on the same level as you. At this moment, you are all one awesome group of people who advanced to a higher level for a while. You have all your inside jokes and mannerisms and you all understand each other in that state. Even hooking up is easier because you are all together in this. And when you come down, you literally feel like you come down one level of reality.

Man, I bet this is why all religions talk about paradise being heaven. All those religious dudes probably got stoned from various shit and then came up with the idea of paradise being on a higher plane of existence.


Also you have a cat and need to lock down your balcony like Fort Knox.


I already called and they told me to keep it.

I only wanted to order some paraphernalia and was a bit shy of the free delivery discount, so I added two g's to my shopping cart. Now I got 10 times the amount. By the rate I'm going, this is gonna last me 2 years!

Man, first my Jamaican roulette last night and now this. Is this a sign?

Also: Can weed buds in an air-proof packaging stay fresh for a year or so?


One joint is "weak", so I could smoke it alone and only get a chilled and relaxed high. And one is "strong", intended to be shared between 4-5 people.

I didn't find anyone to smoke with me, so I will smoke alone.

I forgot which tube contains which joint.

Fellow ents, choose my fate.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Man the police oughta control that. Too many people have been driven to poverty because of intensive munchie induced shopping sprees.

Also, where's my food?


The German Parliament (Bundestag) will hold its first reading of the proposed law regarding (limited) cannabis legalization, where MP's can debate and/or ask questions about the draft. This is a huge step, we're now entering legislative endgame. We're definitely on track for german stoners to legally smoke pot next year.

If you're interested in what happens next, lemmy (hehehe) give you some overview, but tl;dr:

Bill is almost guaranteed to get passed, but might see some amendments depending on government coalition willingness.

!!!CAUTION: Boring legislative process details! Proceed at your own risk!

  • After the first reading in plenary, the draft then goes to the relevant committees, which debate, discuss and then send their final report with a resolution recommendation back to plenary.
  • In plenary, there will be a so-called second reading, where all MPs can table amendments.
    • If no amendments are accepted during the second reading in plenary, the third reading and final vote take place immediately
    • If amendments are accepted in the second reading, the third reading does not take place until two days later at the earliest. There, only the political parties (not individual MP's) can propose further amendments, but only regarding the amendments adopted during the second reading. The final vote follows thereafter

Since the government coalition has a majority, it's expected that the bill will be accepted. After parliament has accepted the finalized bill, it's realistically unstoppable.

The bill then gets referred to the Bundesrat (something like the Upper House or Senate, where the federal states are represented). This institution can ask for further amendments, however, if the parliament (= government majority) does not voluntarily accept those, the bill will become a law (after two technicality votes of formal objection by this "Senate" and overruling by the parliament/government majority).


I'm thinking about getting my first hand pipe and have been looking around. When I roll a joint, I always roll with charcoal filters, and I'd like to keep using filters when smoking a pipe. Now, this is the absolute standard for tobacco pipes, but for weed bowl pipes, it's apparently not?

I don't get it, it filters out harmful stuff, it's cheap, easy, already normal for joints, but somehow, no nice glass bowl pipe I find has a mouthpiece that allows for charcoal filters.

Am I dumb and there's a trick to using filters with those pipes I'm not getting?


Thank Cheech & Chong It's Friday


Just so I can build spaceships.

It's just sooooo addictive and fun. But as long as there is no Sandbox mode, or a mode to save spaceship designs, I just can't do it without using piles of money.

It's not that I'm short of money (had like 700k when I started building like crazy), but wasting all that money just for a few ships I like, fly once or twice for fun, and then completely scrap and rebuild into new ones is just not feasible.

So, while I'm sad that I disabled achievements (and am too lazy to use ScriptExtender + AchievementUnlocker), I can now properly play "Space Lego".

That's all and thank you for coming to my TED talk.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tl;dr: Awesome

Was officially diagnosed and put on medication (MPH/Medikinet) 5 weeks ago. I work far from where I live, so I got my own one-room apartment with a cat near my workplace and at the weekends I commute home to my wife and our shared apartment. I take my meds in the morning and they last for 7 hours. So, when the meds have an effect, I'm always at my workplace, but when I come back home to my working apartment in the evening, the effect is gone and I'm unmotivated again. Or it's the weekends and I'm at my "real" home with my wife, doing all sorts of activities.

This means, everytime I was at my "work" apartment, I was unmotivated to do anything. The apartment looked just like you would expect it after 1.5 years.

Today is my first day at my work apartment with the meds working, and suddenly, I'm cleaning like a single guy expecting to get laid. No forcing necessary, no motivating tricks. I see something I don't like and I do it. I can prioritize and focus and it requires no effort.

Medication really turns your life around when it works. And neurotypicals will never experience how much they play on easy mode.

Cat tax.


This post is both, seeking for advice and just communicating

Hey people, I finally got diagnosed with ADHD at 36 because I had a severe motivational blockade and executive dysfunction and started medication with Medikinet adult (not sure if it has other names on the international market). We started with 10mg (taken in the morning) and intend to raise it by 10 every week, now I'm on 30mg. But I have some questions about how it feels when it's properly working.

The first day I didn't notice anything for most of the day, except for the afternoon when I came home, saw how untidy my apartment was and just started cleaning. I didn't even have to force or convince myself, I just saw something that bothered me and worked away to fix it. However, this special feeling never occured again so far.

The days after this, I was able to do things again (sport, grocery shopping) etc, I even had no issues with my work (which before was just a brutal chore and tiresome). There were still things I didn't like doing or put off doing (a difficult E-Mail for example), but I felt like I could do these things if I forced myself.

This feeling continued in the second week with 20mg, work become even a bit easier. Still, I felt like I was a bit easily distracted (but only by other kinds of work, I had the need to be productive).

Today for the first time I'm on 30mg and I feel strongly compelled to work. The 5 minute coffee break with a friend, with whom I'd usually talk until she kicks me out of her office, just seemd way to long and I desperately wanted to go back to work. I also feel somewhat energetic in my body. Still, I think I'm a bit too easily distracted - also, thinking about cleaning, I don't have the same way of feeling about it like I had on the first. I think it would still require some willpower to start.

The strong urge to work and the high, somewhat chaotic energy - are these symptoms because the dose is too high, or will they become more managable with more familiarization to the dose or higher doses? Will that feeling from day 1 about cleaning come back, where it didn't take any kind of willpower to do it? Or was that a fluke?

Also, since the beginning of treatment, I have 20 minute spurs like twice a day (around 3,5 and 7 hours after taking the meds) where I really need to communicate with someone, sometimes face-to-face and sometimes just anonymously. Which is also a strong reason why I made that thread, so please, share your experiences.

egg_irl (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I took that popular quote and wanted it to rhyme a bit more, so I threw some almost nonsensical stuff in there. Wanted to use a women marble statue because women are pretty. Now thinking about my egg-ness.

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