Ask Me Anything
Ask Me Anything (AMA) Community Rules and Guidelines
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Special appointed mod can create jury like conversation with randomly chosen users with jury votes to decide if bans are legit or not.]
Thank you for being a part of the Ask Me Anything (AMA) community. Let's engage in enlightening discussions, share knowledge, and create an inclusive space that values respect and diversity!
Friendly communities :
You're the post MVP, imo. I don't get why this post is upvoted so much. It isn't a real AMA, and it feels like disaster porn or something
[Edit: I also feel like there's enough misinformation on the internet already. Those who want to have fun/pretend with something like this, please put a 'not serious', 'made up' 'fictional' or 'pretend' flag on it]
what the fuck is disaster porn
when your stepsister gets stuck in the hatch to the lifeboat
HATE when that happenz
Since you asked so nicely, I'll offer a definition by modifying the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of pornography. (Square brackets and strikeout are my own)
[Disaster] por·nog·ra·phy | pôrˈnäɡrəfē | noun printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of [human suffering] ~~sexual organs or activity~~, intended to stimulate [entertainment] ~~erotic~~ rather than [concern, compassion, or humanitarian assistance] ~~aesthetic or emotional feelings~~.
You have some valid points, a note about it being humor would be great for those who couldn't figure it out.
But also, many users here are looking for more engagement. This is pretty harmless, and got folks engaged and talking about how we can improve. Net positive imo.
It sounds like we partially overlap in opinion. I think it's worth noting a bias of mine, that for me Lemmy is an opportunity to make the Web a more person-friendly place again. I don't think the responsibility should fall to readers to figure things out that aren't obvious. I think posters should provide useful (non click-baity) titles and outside of just for fun and circlejerk type communities, I think they should flag when they're being un-serious. AMA is a serious community (as far as I'm aware). The post's title is a complete falsehood.
I don't mean to come across as a buzzkill, and I'm sorry if I killed anyone's buzz.
No buzz was killed 🙂 I certainly agree on the friendliness. I was never a reddit member and so probably don't get the seriousness or levity that may be the accepted norms of communities that came from there. I may well have contributed to some of these challenges that you face (sorry!).
I see folks asking about flares, which I understand to be things like a way to mark a post as humor. For me, that seems like a good step to take with the current posting levels but what do I know haha, I am mostly a forum poster.
Lemmy has been flooded with absolutely shit posts lately. It really is reddit 2.0
nightmare fuel
I always wondered, do people ever get their luggage back after crashes like this?
They get $50 regardless of the contents of the luggage.
No option to salvage it? And only $50? That's unacceptable
Nice hydroplane you got there
Whats your cellphone service provider?
ryan renalds
What the...!?
What happened? Why is there a seemingly crashed plane in the background?
plane no work
Hows the water?.... and how do you still have internet??.. cant even get a signal on my bathroom
Give us your coordinates so we can watch you on Google Earth.
22.443855600077033, -74.22033436432113
Oh good, you made it to an island! Best of luck.
It's the best Island. Rick lives there.
So did the taxi interpretive dance inform you enough to feel comfortable with your wet exit? Did the vest self inflate or did you have to blow? Are they serving snacks and drinks?
Is this serious? Like do you need help? (Amazing to think someone can post in realtime this way if so, from the middle of the friggin ocean)
It's a story from 2014. See link above.
No, this is obviously not real. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to make this post instead
Thank you! This post and the comments are hella entertaining.
I hope you'll make it to shore soon
*chokes on life vest*
Heh, never can tell these days :)
I'd hopeif this is real he first called help and only then posted to lemmy... but one can't be sure these days
Are they hungry?
who is they
The sharks
Damn I’m glad we can monitor you in real time. I hope you’re okay!