Does Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. blink or does he wink? Or is it both?
Ask Me Anything
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Friendly communities :
it depends on his expression of course. when you wink, you mostly smile, or have a smug expression. thank you for asking.
Why is my train only late when im able to leave work early so I have to suffer at the train station and arrive home at the same time as everyday?
check the hour always please!! or walk to work, i usually walk to school. thank you for asking!!
Why are you not capitalizing and why do you only use either a full stop or two exclamation marks?
that is just how i write, it's reminiscent of classic irc chatrooms, it was how the internet typed.
I used proper capitalization and at least attempted punctuation even as a child wandering mIRC in the 90s. I definitely wasn't alone. So.... slight disagree.
! Should be single or triple. Double is an abomination.
ok. thank you very much, I'm ok with changing that a little bit.
Do you suffix adjectives generally with -e or -o?
no!! i'm sorry, i use any pronouns!! thank you for asking.
Oh, so you switch between them all interchangeably?
yes sure!! if you want to!! but in the end, i'm still nonbinary.
Más o menos lo mismo según mis amigos españoles no binarios. Puedo usar cualquier pronombre, él o ella, no les importa. Me han dicho que la idea de no binaridad no es lo mismo que hay in EEUU, pero no soy español nativo sino extranjero, así que no puedo confirmar.
está bien!! yo si confirmo, no me importan mucho los pronombres. que sepan que soy una persona nobinaria es suficiente, muchas gracias!!
What do you think about the term "Latinx"? Do you think there's a better term to use to be inclusive?
Just say "Latin American" and everyone will understand what you mean.
When and how did you realized your non-binarity?
I have an artesian well on my property and the water pressure is lousy...any ideas?
I think it's a seasonal thing, what with Christmas right around the corner and all. You surely know the old Christmas carol:
"No well, no well. No well, no well..."
no, i'm sorry, you should get a plumber.
Ah, well thanks anyway for your time.
I hope this isn’t insensitive but I’ve always wanted to know, what is the secret to making a great torta?
i don't consume that anymore, i'm sorry. mostly because the bread is made with sugar, i instead really like to eat whole grain sandwiches with turkey ham and mustard!!
but, if i ate that. the secret to making a great torta would be adding lettuce, avocado, cheese (optional), and beef. thank you for asking!! don't worry!!
So how do you usually present and how do people treat you? Is life easy or hard for you when it comes to being nonbinary? Sorry, that's several questions.
Are you adhering to a multipolar gender perspective or are you outright rejecting gender all together?
What's your favorite ice cream?
I'm not rejecting anything, and I'm not adhering to a multipolar gender, I am just being nonbinary. and that works for me and makes me happy, thank you for asking!!
You're welcome!
Also, what's your favorite ice cream?
none, I'm sorry, I don't consume any sugar or other processed foods. but, near my house, there's an ice cream shop which also sells sugar-free ice cream, and I really like that one. thank you for asking!! again. (by the way I'm sorry for not answering the ice cream question the first time)
Ah, ok. You're welcome, and I hope you get to have some of your favorite treat soon.
Do you have a favorite spaghetti recipe?
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?