Once is an accident, twice indicates something systemic! Gotta be something going on here.... Changing currents maybe?
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
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That's what the Orca's want us to think.
It's two different operators! The first was Bluebridge, the second was Interislander. They are different companies, running different boats, from different wharfs.
The wharfs are nearby, maybe the currents? It's all within a very sheltered harbour though.
There's not really any significant currents in that part of the harbor, and it was pretty windy Sunday night. I think it's more likely to be a coincidence.
Also, this happened while docking, while Bluebridge did theirs on the way out of their berth.
Bluebridge are probably a bit relieved, someone else has taken the heat off them.
Conspiracy theory: Blue ridge orchestrated the whole thing to take the focus off them. You read it first here folks 😂
All right, who keeps moving the wharfs? Surely the only explanation for this happening again.
Bear in mind, Interislander makes 3-4 return journeys across the strait per day, Bluebridge is similar. They're bound to get it wrong eventually.
For sure. Since no one was hurt (so far), I think we are allowed to have a laugh.
Maybe it was deliberate? There's no such thing as bad PR, I bet when Bluebridge hit the media they got a bunch of new bookings, Interislander just wanted to cash in too.
Do you really think people will read about a ship crashing into a wharf, and a bunch of sailings being cancelled as a result, and go "let's book a sailing on them"?
There very much is such a thing as bad PR.
An incident like this wouldn't put me off sailing with them. Like you said, they do so many that things like this are almost expected.
If their competition is just trucking along, and Interislander is breaking down and running into things all the time, I'd go with the option that will actually get me across the strait reliably. The only reason Interislander isn't losing business is because Bluebridge are only slightly better.
I think the vast majority of people will be looking at two things:
- Which is cheaper
- Which is scheduled at a time that suits them
I'd guess very few people look further than those two things.
Saw it on the news briefly - thought they were talking about the one from the other week lol