Cool ideas!
I went the boring way and bought a costly rack bags. Before that, I used to put everything in a backpack.
In the winter, we also have some tubes on the rack of our old tandem to carry our skis.
for discussion of all thing commuting by bike
Whether it's a journey for work, shopping or leisure, maybe even tweaks and hacks to make your commute easier, feel free to share.
Cool ideas!
I went the boring way and bought a costly rack bags. Before that, I used to put everything in a backpack.
In the winter, we also have some tubes on the rack of our old tandem to carry our skis.
My food isn't so bulky, and I ride a recumbent with a tail bag (a carbon fibre aero box), so my one bag of shopping fits in the box
Luckily since you can't wear a backpack on a recumbent
Nice setup! Seems like it works for you.
I use panniers on the rear. They are expensive, but convenient. Mine came with shoulder straps and are waterproof which is essential for my area and hauling electronics.
Also have some bungee cables to connect bigger things in the rack. I also have a pretty big backpack that’s waterproof, but when full it blocks my vision a bit.
The biggest trick is just shopping more frequently for smaller amounts of stuff. I pass a few stores on my normal commutes, which makes it easier.
Shopping frequently is indeed the best option. I shop at least every two day and enjoy being "forced" to take my bike and go outside after work.
If the weather is really bad or if I have heavy stuffs to buy, I am lucky to also have the option to take the bus.