Jfc. They'll never learn. We really are all doomed.
Just kidding. We were doomed already.
Jfc. They'll never learn. We really are all doomed.
Just kidding. We were doomed already.
Present it as an alternative to social media -- one without the kinds of mental health issues and corporate controls.
Present things like electronics tinkering as a life skill instead of a hobby. That includes the Tech license.
It's a long shot, sure.
She sounds pretty dumb. Maybe someone smarter will take over the farm.
"Illegal"... hm... now that's a word I haven't heard for a long time.
I don't think USians should fight this.
As pear shaped as the UK may be at the moment, it must be better off than all the nonsense in the US. Though there really is nothing in it for the Commonwealth, in any event.
I'm implying nothing. Some things are meant to be tongue-in-cheek.
They will and are changing it, to be sure. Whether those changes are positive remains to be seen.
I know people will quickly balk at this because people tend to balk at new taxes, tax changes, and anything happening in California.
But it's a good idea. Driving electric should not get you out of paying for roads.
The only way out of paying for roads should be not using them. And that bumps up demand for better public transit, which does substantially more to combat climate change than everyone driving electric cars.
The people who believe anything an ex-Fox News dope says are largely the same people who get their "facts" from the ex-host of Fear Factor.
No. If you want to be useful, convince some other dinosaur Dems to retire.
This is satire but... The Right wanting to privatize fire departments is a real thing.