Yeah, I noticed this behavior started on most .world communities about 3 days ago. Comments don't seem to be federating. A little frustrating, but we're going to need to be patient with bugfixes through the holiday seasons for now.
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Yeah it seems like the federation issues with 0.19 were NOT actually fixed with 0.19.1. It's not just us. There's a thread up about it on [email protected] and the Github issue was reopened a couple days ago, but obviously at this time of year we'll have to be a bit patient.
The bug may hopefully fixed with
And then waiting for a new release with the bugfix.
Oh so that's why nobody seems to see my comments on .world communities. I noticed a pattern where my comments on other instances are getting upvotes except for the ones on .world.
I think [email protected] would be more appropriate for this post, but I already posted there 2 days ago with no answer.